Teaching Practice 4
Pre-intermediate level
Main Aims
To provide clarification, review and practice of comparatives -er than and more than in the context of comparing three major cities.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide an understanding and practice of comparatives while learning more about three major cities.
Procedure (37-48 minutes)
1. Share screen for Google slides. 2. Students will tell me where to place items for population, size, and year established for major cities. 3. Ask them questions: - Is New York City bigger than London? - Which city is older, Mexico City or London? - Does Mexico City have more people than New York City?
Continue to share screen with students. Elicit answers to the four example words. 1. OLD. pronunciation. syllables: 1. adjective. comparative: older. comparing: older than. 2. BIG. pronunciation: big. syllables: 1. adjective. comparative: bigger 3. FAR: pronunciation: fahr. syllables 1. adjective/adverb. comparative: farther/further. 4. PEOPLE. pronunciation: pee-pl. syllables: 2. noun. comparative: more people than.
1. The students will work individually to change the bolded word to its proper comparative. (3 minutes) -London is always so crowded. It definitely has (people) New York. -Mexico City is a really old city, but it is not (old) London. -Although New York City is big, Mexico City is (big). -London is (far) New York from Mexico City. -I’m not sure which city is (safe), New York City or London. -Mexico City is (cool) than both New York City and London. 2. Students will compare answers in breakout rooms. (3 minutes) 3. Check answers as a group. Nominate students to tell and spell their answer.
1. Share link to a google form. 2. Students will individually complete a multiple choice activity: choosing the correct comparative. (3 minutes) 3. In breakout rooms, students will compare answers. (2 minutes) 4. As a group, we will review the correct answer. (3 minutes)
1. In breakout rooms, students will tell us about two cities where they have been by comparing them. (4 minutes) 2. As a group, we will discuss. (3 minutes)
1. I will put an errors I heard on the screen. 2. Students will tell me the corrections.