Deanna Blevins Deanna Blevins

Expressions with GO and WENT
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will learn that the present simple "go" and past simple "went" are used with specific prepositions. These expressions are used when talking about places, people, activities and travel words. The sts will introduced to the concept of collocations.


Abc Text Samples HO
Abc "What's the Expression?" HO
Abc "Board Rush" Answers
Abc "What's the Expression?"- Answer Key
Abc "Gap-fill" HO
Abc "Gap-fill" Answer Key

Main Aims

  • To provide writing practice using the TL in the context of travelling activities and things we do in everyday life.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide speaking practice to supplement the writing aspect of the lesson.


Introduction / Warm-up (3-5 minutes) • Set the context, engage students, introduce new vocabulary

(The sts will have already been exposed to this particular text) Begin by asking "What is the text about?" Try to elicit the answer: "things you can DO..." Explain to the sts that some words can be used as VERBS and NOUNS. Give examples using model sentences on WB: I will walk to work. I will go for a walk. I will swim in the sea. I will go for a swim in the sea. I will drink some water. I will go for a drink.* *point out that in some places (the US) "go for a drink" implies going somewhere to have an alcoholic beverage. Also, another word for "holiday" is "vacation". Drill: "Tomorrow I will go on holiday/vacation"

The rules for using expressions with "go" and "went" (6-8 minutes) • Become familiar with common expressions

Give the sts the text samples. They need to scan the text for any phrases using "go" or "went" and make a list. Divide the class into pairs and have them compare their lists. Did everyone have the same list? Elicit the phrases from the sts and write on WB: ...went for a long walk, go for a drink, go for an underwater walk = ...go to the local villages = ...go on a boat trip, go on a tour= go diving, go fishing,go swimming = Ask: "What is the difference between these phrases?" (underline prepositions)

Writing correct expressions (15-18 minutes) • Practicing the TL

Explain to the sts they are to write the expressions using the correct words.Chest the HO when explaining. Demo one example and ask ICQ's! There is already an example on the HO (my mother = go with my mother). Divide the sts into two"teams" and give the "What's the Expression? HO. Encourage the sts to talk amongst themselves, and to speak the phrases aloud. While the sts are working in groups, T should be monitoring very closely, checking for errors. Also, T needs to set up the game on the WB (see attached WB drawing). FB will take place in the form of a "board rush" game. Once both teams have completed writing their phrases, explain the game as follows: Each team needs to select one person to represent them. One person from each team will have to race to put the word or words in the correct spot: WITH, TO, ON, FOR,or X (which means no preposition) The teams are allowed to help their team leader if they want. The team leader is allowed to refer to the sheet they had just filled out. First one finished wins! The WC should check both team's answers and correct any mistakes. Give the sts the "Answer Key" HO. (This will help the sts do the final activity).

Complete the sentences (Gap-fill) (8-10 minutes) • Check sts understanding of TL

(Do this activity if time permits) Explain the activity: the sts are supposed to work in pairs to fill in the gaps using the words from the word bank on the bottom of the HO. The first gap has been filled as an example. (Demo on the WB if necessary). Ask ICQ's to make sure sts understand what they're supposed to do. During FB elicit the answers from the sts. Try to have each student answer one each if possible. Give the sts the "Gap-fill" Answer Key.

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