Donna Hancox Donna Hancox

Things you take on holiday
Pre-intermediate, B1 level


Abc Course Book

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of and practice using countable and uncountable nouns in the context of items we take on holiday.
  • To provide clarification and practice using quantifiers in the context of countable and uncountable nouns.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review of common nouns in the context of things we take on holiday.


LEAD IN - Present the Context (3-4 minutes) • To provide the context for the lesson and engage students.

VISUAL on WB The T shows the students a picture on the WB - a couple in a car, which includes a picture of them packing and a picture of the final destination. T script Where are they going? Where do you go on holiday? What do you take on holiday? Do you take alot of clothes? or a few? This lesson is about what you take on holiday. Write title on the WB What are you taking on holiday?

Pre-teach Vocabulary - things we take on holiday (8-9 minutes) • To activate prior knowledge of vocabulary, and the form and pronunciation.

WORD LABELS on WB / HANDOUT - MATCHING ACTIVITY *Refer to the language analysis. The T conveys the meaning of each word. T Script: 'Lets look at what Metin and Isabel (point to the picture) take on holiday. Look at these words' (on the WB) The T mimes a story packing for a holiday, miming words, showing visuals, realia, and examples of the kind for Ss to match the words (all words are on the WB) Note: Personalized Questions and CCQs not needed for Ss to understand the meaning of all these words. Hand Out: Ss work in pairs matching the words to the pictures. Ss get into groups of 4 (2 pairs and check each others answers). Ss check their answers using the answer key. Pronunciation: The T takes the words of the WB The T models pronunciation (including stress patterns) Choral drilling.

Introduce and Explain the Grammar: Countable and Uncountable Nouns (9-10 minutes) • To review the use of articles 'a' and 'an' and plural nouns, and introduce countable, uncountable nouns.

REALIA Review of article use: The T draws a table on the WB with the headings a, an, some and writes on either side 'I take' and 'on holiday'. T script: 'What are these called? (articles) How do we use them? (in front of a noun) When we say a suitcase, how many suitcases are there? (1) 'Look at the words (WB) would you say I take an suitcase on holiday? Why not? I take a sun cream on holiday? Why not? T explains the Activity: 'Work in groups of 3, here are 5 words. Decide where they go and come and put them on the WB'. WC T FB: Ss check/correct each other. T script: 'Why is this a or an? (T elicits the rule regarding words beginning with a vowel or consonant) and for singular nouns'. 'Why is there no article here?' (look at the words in the 3rd column) 'Are all these nouns singular nouns in the plural?' 'Why don't these words end in 's'? ........' Introduction to countable and uncountable nouns: '.......They are not plurals.' 'How many?' (the T points to each column, and each word in column 3) 'How many' The T shows realia a few different sizes of toothpaste, CCQs: Is this more toothpaste? No (showing 2 small and 1 large). Extension: shaving foam, chewing gum. 'We cannot count this. These are called uncountable nouns.' Further explanation if needed: 'In English it is possible to count some nouns, we called these countable nouns eg: apples Other nouns cannot be counted, these are a mass of stuff eg: toothpaste or water. Uncountable nouns have no plural.'

Test and Clarify Grammar (5-6 minutes) • To check understanding of countable and uncountable nouns and clarify any misunderstandings.

FLASH CARDS The T shows flashcards and elicits Ss FB - countable or uncountable? Why? Pizza (c) Cake (c) Meat (uc) Beer (uc) Water (uc) Milk (uc) CCQs Can you count ...? Ss put the words on the WB into 2 groups Countable and Uncountable nouns.

Introduce and Explain the Grammar: Quantifiers (8-9 minutes) • To review the use of and strength of quantifiers in relation to countable and uncountable nouns.

WORD LABELS on WB / HANDOUT - TABLE Introduction to quantifiers: The T puts the quantifier words on the WB - a lot of/lots of, some, many/not many, a few, a little, a bit, not much T script: Here are some words. What are they? How do we use them? Activity Explanation: Chesting: Show the HO 'Here is a chart and these 7 words'. In groups of 3 decide which are used to describe countable nouns, uncountable nouns, or both. Place the words in the correct place. Peer Checking: The T invites groups who have finished to go and check with other groups. WC T FB: The T elicits Ss to come and place the words in the correct place (under the countable, uncountable or both, the WC come to agreement on the placement. T questions to elicit quantifier strength. What is more? gesturing to show more and less. The T/Ss reorganize the words according to strength (highlight big and small quantity) T Note: Countable nouns: a lot of, a few, not many, some Uncountable nouns: a bit, a little, some, not much, lots of (we remove the a because uc don't have quantity) Both: some, alot of/lot of

Test and Clarify Grammar (6-7 minutes) • To provide controlled practice in using the TL and address any misunderstandings - vocabulary and quantifiers in relation to countable and uncountable nouns.

Activity: The T writes sentences on the WB. In Pairs Ss discuss the missing quantifier. They can't use the same word twice. There's ............... soap. (a little, a bit of, some, not much, lots of) There's ...............sun cream. There's ................ chewing gum. There's ............... perfume. There are............ towels. (a lot of, a few, not many, some) There are ........... sunglasses There are ............... t-shirts WC T FB Ss complete the sentences on the WB. T Note: Countable nouns: a lot of, a few, not many, some Uncountable nouns: a bit of, a little, some, not much, lots of (we remove the a because uc don't have quantity) Both: some, a lot of (c) / lots of (uc) T error correction: Write the sentence(s) on the WB. Is this correct? Why not? There's a lot of T-shirts. There's a bit of toothpaste. *There are a few bread.

Grammar Practice: Extension Activity if time or for early finishers • To provide semi controlled practise in using the TL

HANDOUT - Question and Answer activity using quantifiers and countable/uncountable nouns. Scaffolding: The T writes the question form on the board and checks the meaning for the word any. Is there any.................? Yes, there is ...quantifier ....+.....noun....... No, there isn't any ... Are there any..............? Yes, there are .quantifier ....+.....noun...... No, there aren't any.. CCQ: Do we use are or is for countable and uncountable nouns? Why? Why not? Activity In pairs Ss refer to the quantifiers and nouns on the WB and take turns asking and answering questions. T Monitoring The T records any errors to address at the end of the lesson.

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