Heather Heather

Day 1- Describing people and Listening Part 1
HF6 Flyers A2 level


In this lesson, students review vocabulary/grammar and practice Listening Parts 3 and 4 of the A2 Flyers exam.


Abc Day 4 PowerPoint
Abc A2 Flyers Mini-Trainer
Abc English Aula
Abc Google Jamboard
Abc https://www.hidden247.com/
Abc Google Slides Part 4 Pre-Exercise

Main Aims

  • Students will be able to recognize key information when listening to another person talk.
  • Students will expand their vocabulary
  • Students will be more prepared for Listening Parts 3 and 4 on the exam

Subsidiary Aims

  • Students will feel comfortable speaking in class without fear
  • Students will improve spoken fluency
  • Students will improve in their understanding and use of the past tense


Warmer: Spot the Difference (8-10 minutes) • To improve spoken fluency, build rapport, and practice for Speaking part 1

T shares screen with sound and calls on Ss to describe differences between pictures. T clicks on them. They try to see how fast they can find all of the differences.

Vocabulary Practice 2 (8-10 minutes) • To provide a review of key vocabulary

Ss work in breakout rooms to sort vocabulary words into categories (places, jobs, things, animals) on Google Jamboard. T reviews answers with Ss. T shares PPT screen and nominates Ss to label pictures with correct vocabulary words.

Listening Part 3 Pre-Exercises (8-10 minutes) • To provide practice to prepare Ss for Listening Part 3 exercise

T shares PPT screen with computer sound and Ss complete listening pre-exercises by writing them down before T nominates Ss to give answers.

Listening Part 3 Exercise (4-6 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice listening part 3 and prepare for the exam

T shares screen with English Aula and sound and has Ss write down answers to questions. Ss discuss answers in breakout rooms before OCFB, where T nominates Ss to share answers and reviews difficult questions.

Listening Part 4 Exercise (4-6 minutes) • To practice listening to a conversation and identifying key information (Listening Part 4)

T shares screen with audio and English Aula Listening Part 4 exercise. Ss complete the exercise by writing their answers down. Ss check answers in breakout rooms before OCFB.

Listening Part 4 Preparation (4-6 minutes) • To provide practice with functional vocabulary

T puts Ss in breakout rooms where they work together to fill in blanks in a conversation with functional language on a shared Google Slide document.

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