The Anglo - Business Higher 2 - Thursday 18 February 2021 - 6-8pm - Lesson 10
Advanced level
Main Aims
To enable students to practice speaking for fluency in the context of problem solving in a team.
To enable students to be assessed on their use of English in the context of a pop quiz (Unit 4 Progress Test)
Subsidiary Aims
To enable students to extend their lexical range in the context of problem solving in a team.
Procedure (93-120 minutes)
T welcomes Ss to class. T asks how Ss are, if they have any questions or concerns about the course materials, platforms, etc. T and Ss chat informally as all Ss arrive to Teams platform.
T gets Ss attention. T nominates S: What did we work on in our last class? - We did our role play speaking tests - We looked at adding emphasis to sentences using three techniques (fronting, cleft sentences, and fixed phrases - We talked about responding to feedback and did a couple listening and speaking exercise T nominates S: “did we have any work suggested for homework?” [no]
T gets Ss attention. T shares slide 2 and announces to Ss that there will be a pop quiz. T shares quiz document (Teams > Class Materials > BH2 Quiz 1.pdf) T shars link to Google doc in chat and asks Ss to make a copy, use it to complete the quiz, download as .doc or .pdf and send to me OR use any other notepad, etc. to send answers to Qs 1-30. T asks if there are any questions. T puts on music for Ss while they work for 30 minutes.
T gets Ss attention. T asks Ss to watch “Crazy Psychological Evaluation | Lab Rats | BBC Studios” T asks Ss what they think we will be working on in this lesson?
T gets Ss attention. T nominats Ss to read the article aloud, splitting it up by paragraph. T clarifies any vocabulary for Ss, eliciting answers.
T gets Ss attention. T shares slide 4 (p.45 (“Talking Point”))and nominates Ss to read Qs aloud. T asks Ss to work in groups to discuss for 8 minutes. ICQ: Are we working individually? [no, in groups] ICQ: how many minutes do we have to discuss? [8 minutes] T assigns partners. T sends pairs to channels. T monitors and takes note of language for feedback and DEC. T calls Ss back to main session and the class shares their answers in OCF.
T gets Ss attention. T shares slide 5 (p.45 “Talking Point”) and nominates Ss to read instructions aloud. T asks Ss to work individually to make notes for for 5 minutes, then to work in groups to complete task. ICQ: Are we working individually? [yes to make notes, then in groups] ICQ: how many minutes do we have to make notes? [5 minutes] T asks Ss to make notes individually. T calls Ss back. T assigns groups and asks Ss to work on the task for 10 minutes. T sends groups to channels. T monitors and takes note of language for feedback and DEC. T calls Ss back to main session and the class shares their answers in OCF.
T gives feedback, addressing any good language and interesting/important errors noticed during monitoring. T elicits from Ss to reformulate errors. If time permits, T leads Ss in pronunciation drills.
T gets Ss attention and thanks them for their time. T asks Ss if they have any questions or concerns, specifically about accessing course materials, platforms, etc. T takes note of anything to address with supervisors/academic services. T asks Ss to look at Unit 5 digital activities for homework. T thanks Ss again for their time, and wishes them a good day.