Jenny Jenny

Lesson Outline for TP4 _ Grammar
Elementary Level level


Abc Lead-In Activity
Abc Attitude Book 2 Mac Millan (Teacher uses the student's book and workbook and also the teacher's.
Abc General Document for the teacher like a guideline
Abc Intensive listening task
Abc Language Clarification
Abc Controlled Exercise 1
Abc Controlled Exercise 2
Abc Freer Practice

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice about the use of "too many", "too much", "not enough" in the context of media (TV and radio).

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation and debate in the context of mexican media


Warmer/Lead-in (4-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students with some kind of programs.

First of all, I will show students a google slide which contains 4 pics about some well-known programs in Mexico and United States (1 minute for explanation) T: Do you know these programs? SS: Yes!!! T: Do you like them? SS: Some of them say "yes" and others say "No". T: You will work in pairs and answer these two questions. ok? ICQ: Ok, are you going to work with me or in pairs? A: In pairs ICQ: How many questions do you have to answer? A: Two I will give them 1 minute to work in pairs: T: [name of one student], please tell me, what kind of programe is picture Number 1? which one do you prefer? T: [another student], please tell me, what kind of programe is picture Number 2? Which one do you prefer? T: [another student], please tell me, what kind of programe is picture Number 3? Which one do you prefer? T: [another student], please tell me, what kind of programe is picture Number 4? Which one do you prefer? Different students answer the questions (2 minutes).

Text Work - General Idea (4-4 minutes) • To introduce the reading or listening and highlight useful words and phrases

Teacher shows three pictures (3 people) to the students and explains: T: You are going to listen to an audio about these 3 people and you have to match pic 1 to 3 with the corresponding letter (a, b or c). T: are you going to listen or to read about these people? S: Listen. Audio: Track 34 (1.5 minute). OCFB (2 minutes) T: [call a student], for picture number 1 corresponds letter _______. Please read the sentence. T: [call another student], for picture number 2 corresponds letter _______. Please read the sentence. T: [call another student], for picture number 3 corresponds letter _______. Please read the sentence. Answers: 1-b 2-c 3-a

Intensive Listening task (6-6 minutes) • To provide students the opportunity to listen the target language and recognize it.

Teacher shows students document "Intensive listening task" while explaining: T: You will listen to the audio again but now you have to fill the blanks alone. For that, I will share the link with you. (1.5 minutes). T: Compare with your partner in BOR's (2 minutes). OCFB: students return to main room (2 minutes) T: [name of the student], for speaker 1. (each student reads the sentences) T: [name of the student], for speaker 2. (each student reads the sentences) T: [name of the student], for speaker 3. (each student reads the sentences) Show them the answers. Speaker 1: Negative Aspects There are ___too____ __many_______ quiz shows though... …. and too many __soap____ _operas__________ at prime ... Speaker 2: Negative Aspects There aren’t _enough__ educational programs. the advertisements, there are ___too_____ __many___________. Speaker 3: Negative Aspects There’s too much __news_________ for me.

Language Clarification (15-15 minutes) • To provide students the language clarification about "too many", "too much" and "not enough".

Meaning (7 minutes) Teachers show the google slide to show the students the chart: T: Let's see and read these sentences which were in the audio. [name of the student] can you read the sentence number 1? S: [read the sentence] T: Look at the bold word (pointing at the bold word) "quiz shows". What do you think about "quiz shows"? Is there an excess of or a lack of "quiz shows"? What does this sentence mean? Is there a lot of or only one or two? S: Excess of quiz shows. T: Ok very good. Teacher continues with other students the same dynamic. At the end, teacher asks: "Do you think these sentences are spoken in a happy or a sad mood? Are they happy with these statements? Students: No they aren't happy. Teacher: They are unhappy, worried or maybe angry. Form (6 minutes) T: Let's look at these sentences and again look at the bold words. [name of a student], Tell me, these words [pointing at quiz shows], are they noun, verb or adjective?. S: Answers it is noun. T: Ok very good! [teacher writes down] T: teacher continues with the rest of the sentences. (4 minutes) At the end, teacher makes BORs to do the last activity. Teacher shares the link. T: you have to circle which word corresponds "countable or uncountable". You have 2 minutes to discuss. OCFB: Students come back to main room and answer the questions. (2 minutes) Pronunciation (2 minutes) We make some drilling exercises with each word and teacher explains that "not enough" are linked words. (2 minutes).

Controlled exercise (8-8 minutes) • To allow students to review the target language

T: We will have a game. I will share you a link and write down this number. You have only 20 seconds for each question ok? Let's start. (1 minute to everybody gets in). Game: 2 minutes. If everybody answers correctly, you move on. However, if you see a lot of people have some troubles, you could show them the answers and make a general review. (1 minute) If it is needed, you can give them an extra controlled exercise (Controlled exercise 2). T: I will share an extra link, make it alone (true or false). (1 minute) T: Share with your partners (BOR's) (1 minute) T: Let's check your answers (OCFB) (2 minutes)

Language Practice (8-8 minutes) • To provide students with practice of the task language (Speaking)

Explanation of the activity (1 minute) Teacher shows jamboard and asks to the students T: What do you think about these statements in Mexico? Teacher asks to one students to read the first sentence. S: There too many soap operas in Mexico. T: Do you agree or you don't? Teacher asks to another student for the second statement. T: You will work in groups of three to discuss about the statements below. Teacher sends students to BOR's for 4 minutes. Teacher makes some notes about the target language taught, common errors and individual error (if they are). (3 minutes).

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