sevgi sevgi

Sevgi Üstün, 18 of July, Teaching Practice 6, Shopping.
Elementary level


This lesson is designed to provide practice of functional langauge within the context of shopping and also prodive the learners speaking practice. To begin with, they are going to do some lead-in task to take their attention on the lesson and activate their lexis. Later on, they are going to do a controlled practice, disappearing dialogue activity and speaking task using the functional language.


Abc Course book, hand outs, a ball, WB.

Main Aims

  • To provide the learners functional language practice within the context of shopping through some activities such as controlled practice and disappearing dialogue.

Subsidiary Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, the learners will have practiced speaking fluently within the context using functional language.


Lead-in task: Writing words under the photos. (1-5 minutes) • To take the students attention on the lesson and help the students activate their vocabulary.

The T is going to stick some shop pictures around the class. The Ss are going to wander around the class, go to the pictures and write what they can buy from those shops under the pictures. There will be a supermarket, electronics shop, music shop, gift shop and clothes shop picture. T says:" Stand up, go to the shop pictures and write what you can buy from the shops." The T demonsrates and gives one example. The T gives a list to Ss to help them check what they write.

Context creation and eliciting functional language. (1-8 minutes) • To help the Ss remember some functional language related to topic and introduce some new usages.

The T creates a context by asking some CCQs first: eg:Do you go to shopping? Where do you go for shopping? Who do you go with? The T picks two Ss. They will choose where to go (eg.electronics shop) and why to go.( eg. to buy a DVD player). WC is going to help them to find the sentences they can say during the shopping. The T guides and helps them by eliciting.

Controlled-practice: Put the sentences in the correct order. (1-6 minutes) • To provide the meaning of functional language related to topic.

The T is going to divide the Ss into pairs and deliver mixed papers on which a part of a dialogue is written. The Ss are going to put the sentences in the correct order so as it will make a meaningful dialogue that includes functional language introduced. The T says: Work in pairs. I will give paper.This is a diaologue.They are mixed. You will put them in order. The T demonstrates one example. ICQs: Are they questions? Are they in order? Will you match them? FB: The teacher tells the Ss to come to board and write the dialogue.

Giving form and drilling (1-4 minutes) • To help Ss to be aware of theform and intonation of the functional language.

The T is going to show the Ss some question forms that can be used in this kind of functional language. The T is going to emphasize quickly some basic question forms such as: Can I + Verb1.....? Could you please +Verb 1....? Would you like +noun....? Then The T will show them the intonation in the sentences. The T does modelling and drills.

Role-play: Disappearing dialogue activity. (1-14 minutes) • To help students to practice the functinal language speaking related to topic

The dialogue from the previous activity stays on board.The T gives their roles to Ss The T asks the students to practice it. Then the T erases some words from the dialogue and tells them to practice it again with their partners. Then the T erases some more parts from the dialogue and tells them to practice it again. Later, the T erases all of the dialogue and tell them to do practice again Finally, the T asks Ss to change their roles and practice the dialogue for the last time. The task is going to be done gradually.

Ball game. (1-6 minutes) • To remember what we did in the lesson.

The T makes the students circle. The Ss will throw the ball to each other and tell a word, or sentence (anthing they learned) they learned in that lesson. The T will do demosntration.

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