Rebekah Blackburn Rebekah Blackburn

TP #5. Speaking and Vocabulary: How likely is that?
Intermediate level


In this lesson the students will be practicing their speaking using the new vocabulary in cases such as, how likely is something. They will be doing a number of different activities, as well as different worksheets and hand outs. It is important that they practice speaking, so there is a lot of pair work and group activities.


Abc Course book WS, Ex 1 chart
Abc coursebook ws, ex 2, fill in blank
Abc coursebook Ws, Ex 3, pair work, discuss theories
Abc Course book Ws, ex 4, with partner, make your own theory
Abc My own HO, of percentage fill in

Main Aims

  • To practice and become better at speaking using the new vocab words, probable/possible/likely/unlikely/certain/definitely/uncertain, etc, by doing many different speaking activities and worksheets, as well as having opportunities to practice through controlled, semi-controlled and free practice.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Through doing the activities in the WS, students will be able to recognize and better understand the new vocab. From that, they will be able to do the freer activities which involve speaking, which will help them practice the TL even more.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students by giving them an idea before filling in the chart and using the new vocab

First I will ask the students, "How likely is it that I will eat breakfast tomorrow? Elicit. How likely is it that I will go to Spain today? How likely is it that you will all have many kids? EIicit answers." Then (I will have already drawn a chart on the WB)I will fill in only the first word. I will ask the students what word they think belongs in the next space under Noun. I will first explain that these are some of the many word forms for some words. I will also explain how nouns usually end in ity, ty, or hood. I will also explain how negative adjectives and nouns are often made with im-/un, and that adverbs typically end in ly. I will ask again what the next word could be. After one person says it, from this I will check and make sure they are understanding everything, check the meaning and elicit from them. Then, depending on what they need help with and eliciting and drilling on, I will have them finish the chart with their partners and give them the worksheet HO. I will give them two min or less?) time to fill it out, go over, watch. I will then elicit and get FB from everyone. Learn pronunciation and stress, meaning, form, and practicing saying together.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To expose the TL in a different way, to reveal the TL differently

(I will show them before giving them the WS) "Now we will do the 2nd exercise here, please fill in the blanks with the correct form of the word, check your answers with your partners." 2 min Feedback, elicit, drill, pronounce. 1 min ------------ (I will show them the next exercise (#3 from same paper, the conspiracy theories), "Now we will do this exercise here, please read these "conspiracy theories" and then together with your partners discuss how true you think these are." 2 min "Now, get up and share with each other, different people what you think about each theory. Practice the new vocabulary." MAKE SURE THE WORDS ARE ON THE WB. ----EXPLAIN New Words (WRITE ON WB)---Conspiracy theory, belief that big gov't organizations are behind many things happening in the world today. HIV, what causes AIDS (when the immune system slowly dies). Secret Services-secret Government people, spies, agents... 2 min --- Have everyone back to their seats ELICIT, FEEDBACK (Go through each one and elicit/get feedback) How true do you think this is?....Does anyone know any other theories people say? 2 min

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the vocabulary, this HO will provide them with more practice using it

Show the students the next exercise, (from separate paper) #5, "with your partners, take turns on each question and choose the correct form of the word. Each person share 1 sentence with the correct word form. (Example: There is a a))possible b)possibility c)impossible that I might go to the party tonight...) 2 minutes. Monitor. Elicit, feed back. Discuss answers/opinions. 1-2 min What other questions could you ask that you would answer with this new vocabulary?

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

With the new vocabulary, with the words that we first started out with...I will draw a line, and put percentage marks on first part, middle and end."Please put each word from the vocab into its correct place on the percentage line" Do one example. 2 minutes Elicit, feed back, discuss. Pronounce if needed. Any questions? 2 minutes Now, "with your partners (I show them the pictures), discuss these pictures using the new vocab words, guess what is going on, remember to use the vocab words!" 1 min (monitor) Now pass the picture down and do a new one. 1 min (monitor) " " 4 times?

Controlled Practice (4-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice, but with no freedom

Show them the exercise on their WS, the last one, exercise 4. "Work with your partner and make your own conspiracy theory by completing the text using the vocab we learned today." 2 min Feed back, elicit, pronounce. Each pair share one. 1 min. Next, hand out your own HO, with percentages. "Look at this, she will take an exam, do you think she will pass? look at the right, and see what people think, based on their percentages, write down the correct vocab word for the likeliness of her passing (getting a good grade)." You can work with your partners. 2 minutes. Elicit, feed back, share with the class.

Semi-Controlled Practice (4-5 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice, giving them more freedom

"There are pictures on the wall of different people. Please in pairs, with someone different please, go to each picture and discuss what their life activities and schedule might be. For example, "There is a possibility that Tarkan has more than one car." or "It is unlikely that Tarkan washes his own clothes." 3-4 minutes. Monitor.

Free Practice (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language, where they can be free!

I will give them a paper, unless they already have some. "You need to write down two truths about yourself and one lie. For example, Nripanka could write, 1) I have been to Hollywood, 2) I do not like cats, and 3) I love to cook. We as a class are going to guess and see which one is the lie, and which ones are the truth. So do not let anyone know what is true and what is not. Try to trick us, be smart. Mix up your sentence order, like put your lie first, or your lie in the middle, or at the end. Doesn't matter, just try to not have it be obvious." 2 minutes. -3 minutes. Now, start with one person. "Read outloud please." Now, what do you each think. Take a vote. USE TL!!!!! YOURSELF AND MAKE SURE SS ARE TOO!!! Is it possible that he has done this? Is it unlikely he likes that? Who thinks _____ is a lie? See if right. 5 min (if don't do this, just do a free activity where each person has to think of 10 things that he or she thinks his/her partner can do or has in his/her life--all using the TL. Example: It is possible that Tuba can swim, it is unlikely that Musa plays American football, etc...)

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