Stephanie Stephanie

Teaching Practice 3
Pre Intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn


Abc book

Main Aims

  • To introduce and give students practice connecting words (so, while, until, when, because) in the context of a celebrity story.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice in the context of a celebrity story about books and movies


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Show Slide 2. T asks S, "Can you read question 1?" S reads Q 1: "Can you think of a movie that was made from a book?" T asks S, "Can you read question 2?" S reads Q 2: "If there is a movie and a book with the same story, would you rather watch the movie or read the book?" T says, "Discuss these 2 questions with your partner. You have 2 minutes." T sends Ss to BORs and monitors. T asks S, "Can you think of a movie that was made from a book?" T repeats the question to other Ss. T asks S, "If there is a movie and a book with the same story, would you rather watch the movie or read the book?" T repeats the question to other Ss.

Text Work (7-9 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text

Show Slide 3. T asks S, "Can you read Question 1, please?" S reads Q 1: "Where did Anthony Hopkins find the book he was looking for?" T asks S, "Can you read Question 2, please?" S reads Q 2: "Why was George Feifer surprised at the end of the story?" T tells Ss, "Everyone, quickly read this story by yourself. You have 2 minutes." T tells Ss, "Think about the answers to these questions. Don't say the answer out loud yet." (T waits 1 minute) Show Slide 4. T tells Ss, "Click the link in the chat box. Answer question 1 and question 2 with your partner. You have 3 minutes." T sends Ss to BORs and monitors. T nominates S, "Can you read question 1?" S reads Q 1: "Where did Anthony Hopkins find the book he was looking for?" T asks S, "What is the answer?" (On a seat near him- at the train station) T nominates S, "Can you read question 2?" S reads Q 2: "Why was George Feifer surprised at the end of the story?" T asks S, "What is the answer?" (Because Anthony Hopkins had the same book that George's friend lost two years earlier.) Show Slide 6, Answer Key, to ensure all students have the correct answers.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Show Slide 7. T says, "Click the link in the chat." Screen share Google Form. T asks, "Does everyone have this page?" T says, "Look at sentences 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Then fill in the gaps using the words 'until,' 'so', 'while', 'when', and 'because'. You don't need to submit." T says, "Find the answers with your partner. You have 3 minutes." ICQs: "Are you going to click 'submit' on the form?" (No, find the correct answers with your partner.) "If I think that the word 'so' is the correct answer for Question 1, what do I do?" (Select the word "so" from the multiple choice answers.) T sends Ss to BORs. T monitors BORs. Show Slide 8. T asks S, "Can you read Sentence A, please?" S reads S A: "We use _________ to say something starts or stops at this time." If S does not give the answer right away while reading the sentence, T asks S, "What is the answer?" ("We use until to say something starts or stops at this time.") T drags the word "until" onto the blank on the screen to visually show the answer. T asks S, "Can you read Sentence B please?" S reads Sentence B. "We use because to give the reason for something." T drags the word "because" onto the blank on the screen to visually show the answer. Repeat procedure for Sentences C and D. Show Slide 9. T says, "Repeat after me. Hopkins wanted." (Ss repeat) T: "to read the book" (Ss repeat) T: "Hopkins wanted to read the book." (Ss repeat). T: "So he went" (Ss repeat) T: "To London" (Ss repeat) T: "So he went to London" (Ss repeat) T: "To buy" (Ss repeat) T: "To buy a copy" (Ss repeat) T: "So he went to London to buy a copy" (Ss repeat) T asks S: "Can you read this sentence?" (T circles the entire sentence) S reads: "Hopkins wanted to read the book so he went to London to buy a copy." Repeat procedure with Slide 10, Slide 11, Slide 12, & Slide 13 for remaining pronunciation sentences. Show Slide 14. T asks S to read Sentence 1. S reads: "The words until, so, because, while, and when are connecting words." T asks S to read Sentence 2. S reads: "Instead of using two separate sentences, you can connect two sentences together with “so” or “because.” T reads example sentences to show how these separate sentences can be linked. Show Slide 15. T explains: "When we use 'so,' the reason comes first, then so, and finally, the result or action. For example, 'It was very hot' is the reason for the action 'I opened the window.'" T explains: "When we use 'because,' the result or action comes first, then because, and finally, the reason. For example, 'I opened the window' is the action. 'It was very hot' is the reason I opened the window."

Controlled Practice (8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Show Slide 17. T sends link to Google form: T says: "Click the link in the chat box. Does everyone have this form?" T pauses to make sure everyone has the form. T says, "Read the sentence and fill in the blank with the missing word. Don't click submit." ICQs: Is there one correct answer for each question, or more than one? (One) Are you going to submit the form? T says, "Ok, start. You have 2 minutes." T says, "Check the answers with your partner." T sends Ss to BORs. T monitors BORs. T asks S, "Can you read sentence 1, please?" S reads. "The little boy didn't drown because Alice saved him." (If S says 'because', T congratulates student and moves to the next sentence. If S says "until" T uses ICQ: "If Alice saved the boy, did he drown?" (No.) "What is the reason that the boy didn't drown?" (Alice saved him.) "What word to we use when we talk about the REASON for something?" (because) T asks S, "Can you read sentence 2, please?" S reads: "While Roger was walking on the beach, see saw someone in trouble in the sea." If S says 'While," T congratulates the student and moves on. If S says "So Roger was walking on the beach..." T uses ICQ: "Roger was walking on the beach, he saw someone in trouble in the sea- are these things happening at the same time?" (Yes) "Which word to we use when several things are happening at the same time?" (While, or when) T repeats procedure with questions 3, 4, and 5.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Show Slide 19. T sends link and says, "Click the link in the chat. Does everyone have this slide?" "Discuss these 3 questions with your partner. You have 5 minutes." T sends Ss to BORs. T monitors BORs, making note of whether the students are using the connecting words "when, while, until, so, because." T also makes note if the students are saying shorter sentences that could be connected with these words. T asks S, "Have you ever lost something important?" T asks S, "Have you ever found something important that someone else lost?" T asks S, "What item would you hate to lose?" DEC: T gives examples of sentences observed in BORs, and shows how they can be connected with words such as "so," "while," "until," etc.

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