Basak Basak

Intermediate Plus level


In this lesson, the student continues to study the Practical English part which was started in the previous lesson. The lesson starts with homework check, continues with some exercises which are aimed to help the student remember the previous page of the Practical English lesson. Then the lesson continues with the second page and ends with a speaking activity to strenghten the practiced language.


Abc EF Int+

Main Aims

  • To practice specific information and deduction through listening exercises

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice on the useful phrases


Warmer/Lead-in (6-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Introduction, homework check, warm up (remembering the previous listening)

Pre-Listening1 (3-4 minutes) • To prepare students for the exercise

Start with exercise b, ask who says You Hear and You Say phrases. Let the student read before listening. Ask if he can guess what can be written in the gaps.

Listening 1 (7-9 minutes) • Listening for specific information

Play the audio. Pause to give enough time to write Check the answers together (the answers are on Powerpoint) and listen again if necessary

Useful Language Practice (3-4 minutes) • The student can prove that he can use the language.

Go through the Useful Language Box Explain the scenario: "You’ve come back from a holiday and you lost 3 pieces of luggage. You need to describe your luggage to the lady who works at the lost property desk. Here is the 1st item" Show 3 of luggage pictures, the student describes the luggages. (hand luggage, suitcase, laptop bag)

Pre-Listening 2 (2-3 minutes) • To get the student's attention on the task

Talk about the pictures and the possible scenarios.

Listening 2 (10-12 minutes) • To listen for gist and specific information.

Student reads through the questions. Play the audio. Play again if necessary. Go through the answers together.

Post-Listening and Social English Phrases Practice (5-6 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Student tries to remember the gaps. SB p. 13 ex. c Listen and check the answers. Practice the lesson with speaking activities. Has the student ever gone through these situtations? How did he manage to deal with them?

Feedback/Homework (3-4 minutes) • To give feedback on what has been studied in the lesson and give further practice

Feedback and Error Correction: Explain to the student that you have practiced some useful English phrases which are used in common situations at an airport and in our daily lives. Ash him whether he agrees they are frequently used. Correct and errors in his speech. Homework: Set homework EF INT+ WB p. 10 Goodbye.

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