Rachel Brown Rachel Brown

Adverbs of manner
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will be introduced to adverbs of manner through a series of guided task-based activities. Starting with an intensive task in the format of a light hearted "personality" test incorporating examples of the target language, this is followed by a matching exercice and group brainstorming of the meaning and form of 8 items of the target language. Prononciation is then also practised . The final two tasks comprise 1) controlled practice, where students are asked to select the correct examples of the target language in a text and 2) free practice via own sentence production .


Abc • Navigate Coursebook Pre-intermediate by Caroline Krantz and Julie Norton Oxford University Press;
Abc Own powerpoint slides
Abc Whiteboard

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will have had clarification on the meaning, form and pronunciation of adverbs of manner , related to everyday situations and practised this in controlled and freer exercises.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Students will have practised their reading skills in the controlled practice activity
  • Students will also have practised their speaking skills in the freer practice activity.


Lead-In (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T asks learners two questions as follows:- Are you friendly with strangers? Are you a loud person on the telephone? Learners discuss in pairs/threes in breakout rooms. ICQs: How long do you have for the discussion?

Exposure (6-8 minutes) • To provide context to the target language via a light hearted personality test

T shows slides with 4 light hearted "personality quiz" type questions, each incorporating examples of the target language. T selects different learners to read out each question. Learners asked to select their option. ICQs: Where do we put our answers? No need to write them down, but you can write them on a piece of paper if you want. Is there a right or wrong answer? NO How many options do you chose for each questions? ONE

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

MEANING: T shows slides of the previous personality quiz with the target language highlighted in red. In breakout rooms, students ask to match the correct pairs and to discuss their reasons. T demos the task. T copies the 8 words into the chat. FORM: Using whiteboard: CCQs: How do we use this type of word? When do we use this type of word? Do you know other examples of this type of word? (Examples are elicited from the students). Form is discussed using the examples elicited from the learners (or if no examples using the previously seen adverbs). Many adverbs are formed by adding "ly" to the adjective, but not all. Some words that end in "ly" are not adverbs. Some adverbs are irregular and do not end in :"ly": - T elicits examples from the learners. good = well, fast = fast. PRONUNCIATION: T shows slide with chosen adverbs and drills chorally and individually.

Controlled Practice (7-9 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

True or false activity: T shows short text, which includes a variety of different adverbs of manner. T asks students to read text and select correct option. ICQ: What do we write? Where do we write it? In chat or on paper 3 minutes to read text. Students to discuss answers in group. T switches off camera and sound to allow students to discuss amongst themselves. 4 minutes to discuss. T shares answer keys with the learners.

Free Practice (10-11 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T sets up freer practice task: T demos this task Challenge 1 - Using breakout rooms, students to find 2 more examples of adverbs of manner - can use dictionaries or internet - 3 minutes OCFB - students share with whole class any examples they found via the chat and/or orally. Challenge 2 - Using breakout rooms, students to use these or other adverbs of manner to make 3 sentences. - 4 minutes T demos the task OCFB - students share via chat or orally the example sentences they made.

Open class Feedback and Delayed Error Correction (1-2 minutes) • To enable learners to develop their pronunciation and use of the target language

T uses whiteboard to share examples of errors. Students chose correct option.

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