Main Aims
To provide practice in the context of Colours (Day one: Yellow/Amarillo,Green/Verde, Azul/Blue, Day Two: Light blue/Celeste, Red/Rojo, Brown/Marron), Numbers (Day One: 1-5, Day Two: 6-10), Emotions (Both Days: Happy/Feliz, Sad/Triste)
Subsidiary Aims
To cover basic emotions, numbers and colours. Cater the lesson to Adult Beginners.
Procedure (25-30 minutes)
T-SSS: T plays some upbeat dance music and asks SSS to get up and dance! This will energize the students and get them excited for the lesson. Song 3:11 minutes.
T - SSS: Introduce myself in Spanish and state my emotions (I am Teacher Patricia. I am happy/sad. Yo Soy Teacher Patricia. Yo estoy feliz/triste) T - SSS : T asks SSS to introduce themselves in Spanish and how they are feeling ( I am "X", I am happy/sad. Yo soy "X". Yo estoy feliz/triste). Do this as a group. SSS - T: Each SSS introduces themselves one by one. T - S: T asks S one by one a concept checking question: Raul are you happy? Yes or No? "Raul" tu estas feliz? Si o No?
T - SSS: SSS Repeat after T: Feliz/Triste, Si/No, Yo soy "X", Yo estoy feliz/triste.
T - SSS: T teaches 1-5 (day one): uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco SSS - T: SSS repeat 1-5 (day one) back to T T - SSS: T concept checks by having SSS repeat numbers out of sequence. T points to a number and SSS say what it is. T - SSS: T teaches SSS yellow, green and blue (amarillo, verde, azul) on day one SSS - T: SSS repeat colours back to T T - SSS: T concept checks by having SSS repeat colours out of sequence. T points to a colour and SSS say what it is. T - SSS: T congratulates SSS (Perfecto/bueno) or encourages SSS to try again (Otra vez)
T - SSS: T introduces a game. Look for something yellow/green/blue. Buscas para algo amarillo/verde/azul. SSS search an object of that colour in their house. 1 minute T -SSS: T plays song in the background as a time marker (Senorita, Bachata Version, S. Mendes, 3:09 minutes) SSS- T: SSS Continues activity until all colours are recovered (yellow, green, blue on day one). T - SSS: T congratulates SSS. 1 minute
T- SSS: T checks for SSS understanding by reviewing emotions (feliz/triste), numbers (1-5) and colours (amarillo, verde, azul) SSS- T: SSS are given colours and numbers out of sequence and says what they are. T - SSS: T congratulates SSS and plays some fun music to end the lesson. T - SSS: T says goodbye and thank you to SSS. Adios y gracias.