Jenny Jenny

Lesson Outline for TP3_ Lexis
Elementary Level level


Abc General Document for the teacher like a guideline
Abc Lead-In Activity
Abc Text Work Gist
Abc Main Task
Abc Controlled practice
Abc Attitude Book 2 Mac Millan

Main Aims

  • To engage students with the introduction and practice of the lexis "do" and "make" in the context of the household chores.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in dialogues between teachers and students in the context of household chores


Warmer/Lead-in (4-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

First of all, I will add some extra first exercise (1 minute) to stretch their arms up, to stand up and to move the head because I will be the last teacher so students would be a little bit stressed and tired. Then I will show them the Lead-In activity where they can look at some pictures about 3 home chores and I would ask them 2 questions: a) Who usually does these activities at your home? b) Which of them do you prefer the most? Why? Explanation (1 minute) They would work in pairs to share their ideas and answers (1 minute) OCFB: I ask only two students to share their answers (1 minute)

Exposure (8-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Text Work: I will introduce the next activity (1 minute) "Now, you will listen an audio and you have to answer by selecting the options from number 1 to 4" (I say this structure while I am showing them the google form). I will share with them the link in the chat and give them 30 seconds to open it and read the questions. I will play the audio (1.5 minutes) Now, put them in groups to compare answers (2 minutes) Back the whole class to the same room and ask everybody: "how was the activity?" Was it difficult or easy? "Do you want to listen again to compare the answers?" It would depend but I think they need an extra listening. (1.5 minutes). Let's compare the answers all together (2 minutes) (OCFB) Answers: 1) A job 2) An au pair 3) explaining her duties to her 4) Make breakfast / make the beds / do the ironing / do the laundry / do the grocery shopping

Clarification (18-18 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form, pronunciation and appropriacy of the target language

This activity is the main issue during the lesson and it would take me more time than the others. I would start this lesson sharing my screen with all students: Meaning: (7 minutes) A) First screen: "Look at these words, please read them in silence" (20 seconds to read all of them). B) Second Screen: "Look at these words again (pointing at the square in the slide), let's read this meaning in green and try to guess which word could be (pointing again at the square in the slide). The answer is "au pair". Elicit the circle and make the CCQ and LA. C) Third Screen: "Look at these words again, What is she doing? She is doing the ............... Answer: "house chores". Elicit the circle and make the CCQ and LA. D) Fourth Screen: "Look at these words again and look at the pictures. What happens? Pointing at the first screen: is it in the morning or at night? Answer students: In the morning. T: So we prepare ________________, and at noon, we prepare ________________ and at night, we prepare _____________________. Elicit the circle and make the CCQ and LA. E) Fifth screen: "Look at these words again and look at the pictures. Pointing at the 2 pictures: What are they doing? Answer students: make the bed. T: Very good F) Sixth screen: Look at these words again and look at the pictures. Teacher asks: What are they doing? Pointing at the each picture, teacher says: "The first one, he is doing the ________" Answer students: ironing. T: Very good and so one with each picture. Teacher can call different students to make them participate. At the end, we can make some CCQ for the doing the laundry, teacher asks: Is doing the laundry only with a washing machine or also washing with the hands? Students answer: both! we can say "doing the laundry for both: washing machine and washing with the hands". Pronunciation: (5 minutes) Look at this slide. Each circle means a syllable. The bigger circle means the syllable that is stressed. Look at the example: MA-ga-zine T: how many syllables does it have? SS: Three. T: Ok, and which one is stressed? SS. The first one "MA". T: Ok, so we can put the word "magazine" below here or here (moving the word). SS: in the first one. T: Ok. Let's do the same exercise but now with the phrases we learned and that are here. T: (I will call each student to participate) The answers: First row: Make the beds, Make the lunch, Second row: Do the dishes, Do the laundry, Make the dinner, Do the ironing, Make the breakfast, Do the cleaning. Third row: Do the household chores Forth row: Au pair Form: 5 minutes Let's check the form of the words we have learned: a) Let start with "au pair", is it a noun, a verb or an adjective? (Teacher asks) Students answer: A noun. T: countable or uncountable. SS: Countable. Look at the example: Read the sentence (SS). Teacher asks: is that in singular or plural? b) Let continue with "chores", is it a noun, a verb or an adjective? (Teacher asks) Students answer: A noun. T: countable or uncountable. SS: Countable. T: is that in plural or singular? Look at the example: Read the sentence (SS). Teacher asks: is that in singular or plural? c) Let continue with "make", is it a noun, a verb or an adjective? (Teacher asks) Students answer: A verb. Look at the example: Read each sentence (SS). Teacher asks: What tense is it? Present / Past? SS: Present Tense (1) / Past Tense (2) / Present Continuous (3). d) c) Let continue with "do", is it a noun, a verb or an adjective? (Teacher asks) Students answer: A verb. Look at the example: Read each sentence (SS). Teacher asks: What tense is it? Present / Past? SS: Present Tense (1) / Past Tense (2) / Present Continuous (3). Look at the timeline, where is each sentence located?. Appropriacy (1 minute) T: we have this slide to show the differences between do and make. In spanish, we use the same word but in english, there is a difference: Do (general activity) and Make (for something you can create, prepare, build, so on. Here some examples.

Controlled Practice (8-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T: Now we have to practice what we learned. (explanation 1 minute) I will show you the questions (they are 6 questions) you have two options: Do or Make for each sentence and you have to select only one answer. Do it alone. Ok? How many questions are there? SS: There are six. Teacher shares the link with the students. And then the activity starts (2 minutes). Students work alone. Then the teacher makes groups (BOR's). (2 minutes). We share answers as a whole class (3 minutes), the teacher asks the students to read each sentence with the corresponding answer. Answers: a) do b) do c) make d) makes e) make f) do

Free Practice (7-7 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

This activity will be funny because they are going to switch roles. Explanation: (1 minute) T: I will make groups of two, one of you are going to be a student and the other one is going to be a teacher as you look at the picture. You have to create dialogues between the student and the teacher. This is my example, you create another one. You have 4 minutes to create a short dialogue. Make groups and BOR's (4 minutes) Teacher should get in in each BOR to listen to the students and take some notes about some common mistakes. All the students return to the main classroom and we discuss some common mistakes. T: We did a great job, I listened to your dialogues and all were great. Here we have some common mistakes: (teacher show the document form). (2 minutes).

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