The Anglo - Business Suite 1 - Saturday 6 February 2021 - 7:30-9:30am - Lesson 3a
Intermediate level
Main Aims
To enable students to practice speaking for fluency in the context of work-life balance.
Subsidiary Aims
To enable students to extend their lexical range in the context of work-life balance.
To enable students to practice reading for gist and detail in the context of work-life balance.
Procedure (90-120 minutes)
T welcomes Ss to class. T asks how Ss are, if they have any questions or concerns about the course materials, platforms, etc. T and Ss chat informally as all Ss arrive to Teams platform.
T gets Ss attention. T nominates S: “what did we work on in last Saturday’s class?” - We worked with vocabulary related to business communication > showing interest - We looked at networking - what it is, why it’s important and how it’s done - We looked specifically at the idea of ‘speed networking’ (lie speed dating) and tried it out T nominates S: “did we have any work suggested for self-study?” - yes, having a look at your Oxford platform Unit 1, and watch the following video and write down the expressions they find useful at work: T: “Did anyone have a chance to have a look it?” [If no, T: “Okay, let's look at it together!']
T gets Ss attention. T shows slide 2: "What is ‘work-life’ balance? Is there a ‘long-hours’ working culture in your country? Why should employers care about their employees’ work-life balance?" T leads Ss in short discussion to set context.
T gets Ss attention. T shows Ss slide 3 (p.12 #2) T asks Ss to work independently to read the article quickly for gist, and select the correct heading for each section: Family and health; Working hours; Holiday Ss read independently (4 minutes) T nominates Ss to share their answers in OCF.
T gets Ss attention. T sends link to Google Form in the chat: T asks Ss to work independently for 4 minutes to read the article again. Then they will work in pairs to answer the questions. ICQ: Are we working in groups? [individually to read, then in pairs/groups to answer Qs] ICQ: how many minutes do we have to read the article again? [4 minutes] T sends Ss off to read individually. T calls Ss back to main session and assigns partners/groups. T sends Ss to channels. T monitors and takes note of language for feedback and DEC. T calls Ss back to main session and the class shares their answers in OCF.
T gets Ss attention. T shows slide 4 and nominates S to read the instructions. T asks Ss to work in partners/small groups to discuss the Qs "Do you think these terms and conditions provide a good work-life balance for employees? Why or why not?" for 5 minutes. T assigns partners. ICQ: Are we working in groups? [no, in pairs] ICQ: how many minutes do we have to chat? [5 minutes] T sends pairs to channels. T monitors and takes note of language for feedback and DEC. T calls Ss back to main session and the class shares their ideas in OCF.
T gets Ss attention. T shows slide 5 and nominates S to read the instructions. T asks Ss to work in partners/small groups to work on the compound word exercise for 5 minutes. T assigns partners. ICQ: Are we working in groups? [no, in pairs] ICQ: how many minutes do we have to chat? [5 minutes] T sends pairs to channels. T monitors and takes note of language for feedback and DEC. T calls Ss back to main session and the class shares their ideas in OCF.
T gets Ss attention. T shows slide 6 and nominates S to read the instructions. T asks Ss to work in partners/small groups to complete the exercise for 10 minutes. T assigns partners. ICQ: Are we working individually? [no, in pairs/groups] ICQ: how many minutes do we have to role play? [10 minutes] T sends pairs to channels. T monitors and takes note of language for feedback and DEC. T calls Ss back to main session and the class shares their ideas in OCF.
T gets Ss attention. T shows slide 7 and nominates S to read the instructions. T asks Ss to listen to audio file 2.1 twice and take notes, then work in partners/small groups to complete the exercise for 5 minutes. T assigns partners. ICQ: Are we working in groups? [no, in pairs] ICQ: how many minutes do we have to work together? [5 minutes] T sends pairs to channels. T monitors and takes note of language for feedback and DEC. T calls Ss back to main session and the class shares their ideas in OCF.