Sandra Pineda Sandra Pineda

Upper-intermediate level


Main Aims

  • To provide gist and specific information listening practice using a text about an article's summary dealing with celebrity worship syndrome (CWS)

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of raise, survey, whether, and borderline in the context of an article's summary.
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a discussion in the context of students' own experience with surveys.


Lead-in (4-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Show students two statements and ask them if they agree or disagree: 1. Research can be applied to any field, from marketing to science. 2. The only way of finding new information is by doing experiments. Instruct them to share their ideas with a partner using the private chat on zoom for two minutes. Name the pairs. Incorporate late comers to this task. Ask all students to share what they just talked about. If there is no participation, nominate.

Pre-teaching of vocabulary (5-5 minutes) • To prepare students for the following tasks by eliciting the meaning of challenging vocabulary.

Show students slide 2. Ask them to correlate each definition and example from the left with one word on the right by writing the correct numbers inside the parentheses. 2 minute on their own. Share the link to the slides in the chat. After 2 minutes, elicit the answers as a group in 3 minutes. 1. survey: questionnaire; participate in a survey about doing exercise, what are you going to do? answer questions; are you going to do exercise? no; noun; 2 syllables, Oo. 2. whether: if, often with two options, always use after prepositions and before to verbs. 3. raise: to cause to occur; bring up, generate; verb; 4. borderline: in the limit of something; undertain, undecided; you apply for a job and you have an excellent CV, more work experience than what they ask for, but you got 499 points in your TOEFL exam and they ask for 500, are you a borderline candidate? yes, this is a borderline case; adjective; Ooo.

Pre-Listening (10-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Still sharing screen on zoom, instruct students to listen to the recording to answer the following question "What kind of information did you listen to?" Ask them to read the answers (30 s) Play the recording (2:42 min) Ask them to discuss their answer with a partner for 2 minutes. Send them to breakout rooms on zoom. Visit the rooms to listen to their use of the language. Elicit answers as a group, correct answer is D (3 min). If the correct answer is not mentioned first ask others if they agree. Nominate specific pairs if there is no participation. The woman constantly used phrases to refer to the article: this article is about..., a key word from the article is..., according to the article..., the article also discusses...; the woman uses simple and non-technical language indicating she is not an specialist in the field.

While-Listening (13-13 minutes) • To provide students with specific information listening tasks.

Instruct students that they will hear the recording again, this time to fill the gaps in 6 sentences. The sentences are not the exact script of the recording. Still they need to listen carefully to write the words used by the woman. Each gap can take 1 or 2 words, but no more. Give them 1 minute to read the sentences. Play the recording (2:42 min). Ask them to work in pairs to check their answers for 4 minutes. Send them to breakout rooms and visit them to listen to their use of the language (for later DEC). Bring them back to the main room and nominate pairs to answer six sentences (5 min).

Post-Listening (6-6 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Think, pair, and share. First think about whether you have participated in a survey or not, what kind of survey, what was it for, did you know about the results? whether you liked it or not. As an alternative you can think about what kind of survey or research study or marketing study would you like to participate in? Then, share your thoughts with a partner for 3 minutes. Send to breakout rooms. Finally, share with the gruop for 3 minutes.

Delayed Error Correction (4-4 minutes) • To elicit correctios to the use of language of the students.

Use the whiteboard on zoom. Write 4 or 5 sentences that need to be corrected. Ask students what is wrong with each sentence. Make the corrections as they speak.

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