Armando González Armando González

Listening Comprehension
Pre-Intermediate level


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Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed listening practice using a text about unusual jobs in the context of a radio interview.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of jobs people like or dislike.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

-T greets Ss and introduces the lesson: "Do you like 'Malcolm in the Middle'? We are going to watch a video about it to answer the following questions". -T shows the PP slide and questions Ss have to think about before watching the video "Hal quits": Q.1) What do you think is Hal's job? Q.2) Does Hal like his job? Q.3) Why? -T watches the video with Ss. -T nominates three to five students to check their answers. -T writes three to five of their ideas in the chatbox.

Pre-Listening (Vocabulary) (3-5 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

-T introduces the preliminary activity and gives instructions. "You will have two minutes to match the words (1-5) with their meanings (a-e). This activity is individual". -Ss match the words (1-5) with their meanings (a-e): 1. Furniture. 2. Improvement. 3. Exciting. 4. Unbelievable. 5. Dive. a. The process of making better or of getting better. b. Extremely surprising because it is improbable. c. To jump into water or to move down under the water. d. Items such as chairs, tables and beds that are used in a home or office. e. When something makes you feel happy and enthusiastic. -T nominates three to five Ss to do the preliminary activity. -T clarifies meaning, form and pronunciation of preliminary activity by doing the following: I. T pronounces the word to give a model to Ss. II. Ss pronounce the word chorally and individually. III. T asks Ss what kind of word it is. IV. Ss share their answers to the class. V. T confirms or corrects their responses and shows the answers.

Initial listening task (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information listening tasks

-T mentions the context of the recording Ss will hear. -T gives instructions and allow students to look at the pictures A-C. "You have thirty seconds to look at the pictures before listening to the recording". -Ss listen to the recording once. -T sends them to breakout rooms to check their answers with their classmates. -T sets time limit. "You have three to four minutes to check your answers with your classmates". -T monitors to check if Ss have any problems or difficulties with the language or the task. -T nominates a student per group to check their responses. -Ss justify their answers to the whole class.

Detailed listening task (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference listening tasks

-T gives instructions for activity 2. "Now you will listen to the recording one more time. Decide what sentences are true or false". -T gives student time to look at questions 1 to 5. "You have a minute to check the sentences before listening to the recording". -Ss listen to the recording. -T sends Ss to breakout rooms to compare their answers. -T monitors to check if Ss have any problems or difficulties with the language or the task. -T gives instructions and plays the recording again. "You will hear the recording again. Pay attention and confirm or correct your answers". -T nominates three to five students to check the answers. -Ss justify their answers.

Follow-up productive skills task (8-10 minutes) • To allow students to give their opinion about the text so that they can practice speaking skills.

-T shows PP slide and give instructions. "Now you will discuss with your classmates what jobs you would like or you would not like to do. -T sets time limit. "You will have five minutes". -T sends Ss to breakout rooms. -T monitors to check if Ss have any problems or difficulties with the language or the task. -T nominates three to five Ss and asks them to share what they discussed with their classmates. "What are the three jobs you would like to do? Why?" "What are three jobs you would not like to do? Why?".

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