Elisa Adriana Ortiz Hernandez Elisa Adriana Ortiz Hernandez

TP5 LP Elisa Adriana Ortiz Hernandez
Intermediate level


In this lesson students will discuss about the things or actions that make them feel embarrassed, stressed, depressed, frightened ,relaxed, that they detest, and what makes them really happy. They have to explain with reasons.


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Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice of speaking for fluency in describing feelings.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a Conversation in the context of Things or actions that make you feel embarrassed, stressed, depressed, frightened ,relaxed, that you detest, and what makes you really happy,


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Ss. working in breakout rooms will take a look at different images, and they are going to discuss what do you think they will be talking about when you look at the images. What the images inform them about what we will be talking about. They have to find out our topic.

Content Preparation (6-6 minutes) • The purpose is to give Ss content for the speaking task.

Ss. working in Breakout Rooms will look at the pictures again and describe how the people are feeling and what could make them feel like this.

Useful Language (6-8 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

T. shares a link on Zoom’s Chat to Google Slides presentation where Ss. read sentences using useful language to describe feelings. Slide 1 - Ss. working in pairs read each sentence, find out the meaning of each word in bold, and drag the meaning next to the correct sentence.. T. checks answers with the whole group nominating Ss. Slide 2- Ss. working in pairs read each sentence, find out the part of speech, and drag it next to the correct sentence.. T. checks answers with the whole group nominating Ss. Slide 3 - Ss. working in pairs read each sentence, find out the number of syllables of the words in bold and drill for pronunciation. T, checks the answers with the whole group nominating Ss.

Speaking (18-25 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

T. will divide Ss into groups (Breakout Rooms) and Ss. will discuss about the things or actions that make them feel embarrassed, stressed, depressed, frightened ,relaxed, that they detest, and what makes them really happy, they have to give reasons . Ss will use the following Useful language: - One thing that really frightens/ embarrasses me is when.. - I hate / love when... - It really annoys me when ... - I find… very embarrassing /relaxing/annoying - … makes me very happy/relaxed/depressed, stressed - I just can’t stand/cope with.... T. gives feed back T, will divide students *Breakout Rooms) Ss, will compare with their team members what they discussed before and ask them about themselves, but for this activity they have to use the following expressions: Me too/So do I. What about you? Does anyone feel the same way? Yes, I find... very relaxing/annoying, too

Content & Language Feed Back (6-6 minutes) • The purpose is to inform Ss how they did in both content and language.

T. gives feed back using the Zoom Whiteboard.

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