Zoë Heyn-Jones Zoë Heyn-Jones

The Anglo - Business Preliminary 4 - Monday 1 February 2021 - 7:30-9:30am - Lesson 5
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn about formal versus informal emails, and work with vocabulary related to writing emails at work. Students practice writing emails.


Main Aims

  • To enable students further practice writing in the context of short workplace emails.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To enable students to extend their lexical range in the context of writing emails at work.
  • To enable students to practice speaking for fluency in the context of email writing at work.


Welcome (5-10 minutes) • To welcome students to class and to troubleshoot any problems.

T welcomes Ss to class. T asks how Ss are, if they have any questions or concerns about the course materials, platforms, etc. T and Ss chat informally as all Ss arrive to Teams platform.

Review (15-20 minutes) • To review what we covered in last class and to begin setting the context for today's lesson

T gets Ss attention. T nominates S: “what did we work on in Wednesday’s class?” - We talked about the idea of ’nudging’ - changing people's behaviour subtly - We read a short article about ‘nudging’ in the context of the “Speed Camera Lottery” in Sweden - We started to talk about, and practice, writing emails T nominates S: “did we have any work suggested for self-study?” [yes, try the Online Unit 10 Test on their Oxford platforms for self-study] T: “Did anyone have a chance to complete it?” T: Let's go over it together. T elicits answers and nominates Ss to go through the answers in OCF. T: Okay! Let's work on some language feedback and pronunciation from last class.. T leads drill of words from last class .

Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T gets Ss attention. T asks Ss to watch video “BBC Learning English Writing an email – 18 – English at Work has the words for perfect emails” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aO3Det4ir8U T asks Ss what they learned from the video.

Exposure 1 (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

T gets Ss attention. T asks Ss to work with a partner to complete tasks 1-4 on the British Council's Business English > Unit 2: Sending and receiving emails" https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/business-english/english-for-emails/unit-2-sending-and-receiving-emails T assigns partners. ICQ: Are we working in groups? [no, in pairs] ICQ: how many minutes do we have to chat? [5 minutes] T sends pairs to channels. T monitors and takes note of language for feedback and DEC. T calls Ss back to main session and the class shares their ideas in OCF.

Exposure 2 (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

T gets Ss attention. T asks Ss to work with a partner to complete tasks 1-4 on the British Council's Business English > Unit 4: Starting and finishing emails https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/business-english/english-for-emails/unit-4-starting-and-finishing-emails T assigns partners. ICQ: Are we working in groups? [no, in pairs] ICQ: how many minutes do we have to chat? [5 minutes] T sends pairs to channels. T monitors and takes note of language for feedback and DEC. T calls Ss back to main session and the class shares their ideas in OCF.

Useful Language 1 (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

T gets Ss attention. T asks Ss to work with a partner to complete tasks 1-4 on the British Council's Business English > Unit 7: Organising your writing https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/business-english/english-for-emails/unit-7-organising-your-writing T assigns partners. ICQ: Are we working in groups? [no, in pairs] ICQ: how many minutes do we have to chat? [5 minutes] T sends pairs to channels. T monitors and takes note of language for feedback and DEC. T calls Ss back to main session and the class shares their ideas in OCF.

Useful Language 2 (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

T gets Ss attention. T asks Ss to work with a partner to complete tasks 1-4 on the British Council's Business English > Unit 9: Email etiquette https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/business-english/english-for-emails/unit-9-email-etiquette T assigns partners. ICQ: Are we working in groups? [no, in pairs] ICQ: how many minutes do we have to chat? [5 minutes] T sends pairs to channels. T monitors and takes note of language for feedback and DEC. T calls Ss back to main session and the class shares their ideas in OCF.

Productive Task(s) (24-26 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

T gets Ss attention. T tells them that we are now going to continue practice writing emails. T shares slide 4 and nominates Ss to read instructions aloud. T shares Macmillan Business English handout with further instructions: http://www.businessenglishonline.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/Informal-or-Formal.pdf T asks Ss to work individually for 10 minutes to write the two emails, and then come back to share with a partner to give feedback and correct mistakes. ICQ: Are we working in groups? [no, individually, then in pairs] ICQ: how many minutes do we have to write the emails [10 minutes] T gives Ss 10 minutes to write. T calls Ss back and assigns partners. T sends pairs to channels. T monitors and takes note of language for feedback and DEC. T calls Ss back to main session and the class shares their ideas in OCF.

Feedback and Delayed Error Correction (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

T gives feedback, addressing any good language and interesting/important errors noticed during monitoring. T elicits form Ss to reformulate errors. If time permits, T leads Ss in pronunciation drills.

Conclusion (5-7 minutes) • To sum up and close the lesson and to prepare for the following lesson.

T gets Ss attention and thanks them for their time. T asks Ss if they have any questions or concerns, specifically about accessing course materials, platforms, etc. T takes note of anything to address with supervisors/academic services. T asks Ss to try --- for self-study. T thanks Ss again for their time, and wishes them a good day.

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