Caroline Kouma Caroline Kouma

Teaching Practice 5 (Crime vocabulary)
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn a lexical set about crime. The lesson will begin with a short video about a crime gone wrong to set the context. Next, students will practice their reading for gist and reading to infer meaning sub skills with a text including brief news stories. Then, students will be introduced to the TL followed by controlled, semi-controlled and freer practice of the TL. Finally, students' errors will be corrected in delayed feedback.


Abc "News in brief" text HO
Abc TL Pictures
Abc Crime TL HO
Abc Colored papers

Main Aims

  • To clarify words pertaining to crime in the context of crime in the news and provide semi-controlled and freer practice with the TL.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist and inference reading practice using a text about news briefs in the context of crime in the news.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set the context of the lesson and activate shema of crime vocabulary.

Ss watch a news clip about dumb criminals and answer the question, "What did they do wrong?" in pairs.

Reading for gist (3-5 minutes) • To provide students with practice in reading for gist.

Ss are given a copy of the news briefs (ex. 1, p. 62) and headlines. They are given 2 minutes to gist read the text and are then asked to match the headlines with the appropriate news story. Once they have finished, they will check their answers in pairs before T conducts WC feedback.

Reading to infer meaning (5-7 minutes) • To provide practice in reading to infer meaning

Ss are given a copy of activity 2, p. 62 and asked to fill in the blanks with the highlighted (underlined) words from the previous news stories. T will write a-f on the WB and ask students to come up and write the appropriate answers. T will then ask, "Are these correct?" and then allow other students to come up and correct any wrong answers.

Focus on TL (5-7 minutes) • To provide clarification of the meaning, form and pronunciation of TL

1. Teacher introduces/elicits and drills TL (M, P) Arrested - picture "What happened to him?" He was arrested. Chase - picture "What is happening in this picture?" The police cars are chasing the other car. Traffic Police - picture "Who is he?" Traffic police Escorted - miming, TPR + situation "Ebru stole Gabriel's car. I am a police officer and I caught her, so I will escort her out of the room." Court - picture "What is this room?" Court Stolen - situation "This morning on the metro, a man took my money when I wasn't looking. My money was stolen." Thief - picture "Who is this?" Thief Burglar - picture "Who is this?" Burglar (Clarify the difference between thief and burglar) 2. T checks comprehension of the TL with CCQs and repetition of pictures Arrested Did this person commit a crime? Yes. Will this person go to jail? Yes. Chase (Pointing at chased car) Did this person commit a crime? Yes. Are these cars driving fast? Yes. Will the police catch this car? Yes. Traffic Police No CCQs needed, clear picture is provided Escorted (Show this with miming and story. “Umit committed a crime. I am a police officer and I will take him to jail. I will escort him.) Did Umit commit a crime? Yes. Could he take himself to jail? No. Do the police have to take him to jail? Yes. Court No CCQs necessary, show picture. Stolen (Show picture) This man took my money on the metro. He… (stole) my money. So, my money was…(stolen) Thief Does he steal from you? Yes. Does he steal only from one place or anywhere? Anywhere. Burglar Does he steal from you? Yes. Does he steal in public? No. Does he enter buildings illegally to steal? Yes.

Controlled practice (3-5 minutes) • To provide students with controlled practice of the TL

Students are given a HO of ex. 3, p. 62 and asked to fill in the blanks with provided words (TL). Ss check answers in pairs before coming to WB to write an answer key.

Semi-controlled practice (3-7 minutes) • To provide communicative practice of TL

Ss are split into two teams, and each time is given a colored paper that will act as their "buzzer." Teams select their first player. T reads the definition of one of the words and the players have to put up their "buzzer" when they know the word. T will ask the fastest team for the answer. If they have answered correctly, they will get one point. If not, T will ask the other team. If they have answered correctly, they will get two points. Whichever team has the most points at the end of the game wins. ADAPTATIONS/IF TIME: If time allows, game could be played a second time with the teacher producing the words and the students producing the definition. If the students seem to be getting the answers quite quickly and easily, one student could be selected to come to the front of the room and given a word. They must then say the definition and get the Ss to guess the word. For the next word, a student from the other team is selected to go to the front. Use discretion based on time and level (since this class is new) as to which adaptation(s), if any, to use.

Freer practice (6-8 minutes) • To provide communicative free practice of the TL

Pictures depicting the TL are put on the board for Ss to see. Working in pairs, Ss must create a story about a crime gone wrong using the pictures/TL. After they have created their stories, Ss will have the opportunity to share their stories with the rest of the class. Timing of this activity is flexible if additional time needs to be filled at the end of the lesson.

Delayed Feedback (4-5 minutes) • To encourage learners and help them learn from their errors

DON'T FORGET TO MAKE TIME FOR THIS During previous activity, T should have made some notes about good uses of language as well as errors. T then conducts delayed feedback, correcting 2-3 errors and providing 1-2 good examples of language use.

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