Sarah Schul Sarah Schul

Teaching Plan 5
Beginner level


In this lesson, the students will be learning vocabulary in the context of "daily verbs". They will also do some related reading practice.


Abc John/Nazli Morning Pics
Abc Morning/Night people category HO

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of daily verbs in the context of morning/night routines and regular activities.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about morning people and night people in the context of daily verbs


Lead-in (8-10 minutes) • to clarify the meaning of daily verb vocabulary and to practice the pronunciation of TL through drilling

T draws arch on board representing the day with man getting up, drinking coffee, walking around, sleeping and elicits from students what the context is: "What we do everyday" (2 min). T mimes actions that we do everyday one by one, eliciting the verbs from the students: Eat Drink Go to bed Wake up Read Sleep After eliciting each verb, T models correct pronunciation and (where necessary) does drilling. Drilling patterns to include: all, men/women, left/right, front row/back row, individual, etc. For the verbs "drink", "wake up", "go to bed" (and any others that present difficulty) T will break down word into smaller portions for more focused, clear pronunciation practice. (6-8 min)

Miming Practice Activity 1 (3-4 minutes) • To practice accurately production (speaking) with regards to the pronunciation of the TL

After all the verbs have been introduced, T provides form by eliciting spelling of each vocab word from students and writing them on WB. To model instructions, T mimes a verb and gestures to an individual student to provide word. Then T gestures for St to mime while T guesses answer. (1 min) In pairs, Sts mime actions for one another taking turns guessing what the verb is. (3 min)

Constructing sentences Practice Activity (4-5 minutes) • to practice using the new vocab in combination with a few common collocations.

T puts pics of an apple, a sandwich, breakfast, water, tea, coffee, a newspaper, a book, a magazine on WB eliciting what each one is. (NECESSARY??) T chests HO, demonstrates matching "an apple" to "eat" then gestures indicating that sts should complete the rest of the matches in pairs. T distributes HO. Sts draw lines to match the correct objects in pairs and talk about the sentences in pairs (3-4 min). T elicits answers from WC and does error-corrective FB.

Pre-Reading (8-10 minutes) • to be introduced to the characters in the reading and make predictions about their daily habits

T puts a picture of smiling "John" on WB and underneath, pics of things John does in the morning. T elicits from sts things that John does in the morning based on pictures. (eg. John eats breakfast. John read the newspaper" (2min) T puts picture of frazzled looking "Nazli" on WB and, in the same manner, pics of her morning routine underneath. Sts discuss in pairs about what they think Nazli does in the morning. (4min) T elicits from students what Nazli does from sts. (eg. Nazli drinks coffee. Nazli sleeps." T explains "Morning people are happy in the morning. (gesture happiness with face) They like mornings. Night people are not happy in the mornings. (gesture sad) They like sleep. They like nighttime." To clarify meaning T may draw "sun = :)" with an arrow to morning people and "moon = :)" indicating night people. (2min) T asks CCQs to confirm understanding: Do night people like mornings? No. Do morning people like mornings? Yes. T asks sts to work in pairs to predict whether John and Nazli are morning people (they like mornings) or night people (they like night). (2min)

While-Reading (Gist) (5-6 minutes) • to read for gist in order to check predictions

T chests Adapted Reading HO indicating what sts will read. T demonstrates that sts should read quickly to check their predictions by demonstrating slow and confused faces versus using finger to skim. T hands out reading After reading (3min), sts talk about their predictions in pairs. T elicits correct answers from students and marks "sun" next to John and "moon" next to Nazli. (2min)

While-Reading (Detail) (8-11 minutes) • to identify details in the text and place them in the correct category

T chests new HO, demonstrating how it should be completed by circling answer with finger. T indicates sts will read to find the answers. T demonstrates by eliciting #1 from WC: "Mornings are easy" Is this for morning people or night people?" And circles sun, indicating morning people on HO. T distributes HO and indicates for sts to read. Sts read for detail in order to categorize HO sentences as "morning people" qualities or "night people" qualities. (6-7min) After sts have finished reading and answering, T indicates to check their answers in pairs. (3min) T elicits answers from Sts to check answers. (2min)

Post-reading - Personalization Activity (2-4 minutes) • to practice fluently producing (speaking) the TL in a freer activity in the context of one's own life

T models the expected speaking forms using self: "I don't like mornings. I like nights. I like sleep. I am a (elicits 'night person')" T asks individual sts, "Are you a night person? What do you do in the mornings?" and sts replies. T indicates that sts should have this conversation about themselves with their partners. Based on the monitoring, T does error-corrective FB. (Example: "I likeS morning" // "I drinkS coffee" // "He wake up early"

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