Liam Smith Liam Smith

TP7- Grammar
Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson the learners will look at Grammar based on the topic of 'adventure & travel. We will start with a lead in prediction task, allowing the learners to elicit the topic. They will then discuss a topical question in break-out rooms before sharing their answers to the whole class. Learners will then carry out an exposure task identifying the TL. We will then cover meaning, form and pronunciation of the language in detail. Learners will then carry out a controlled task, where they will put the Grammar into practice. We will then go into a Free practice task, where the learners will be able to talk about the topic with each other. We will finish the lesson with OCFB and DEC.


Main Aims

  • To provide practice of the past simple, past continuous, past perfect in the context of travel and adventure

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of travel and adventure


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. T welcomes Ss to the lesson and shares Google Slides document. 2. T asks Ss to predict topic of lesson based on images. (1 minute) 3. T displays a topical question and model answer. 4. T places Ss in BOR to carry out task. T will monitor (3 minutes) 5. T then nominates Ss to share answers and offers feedback and correction if applicable. (1 minute

Exposure (6-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

1. T informs Ss that they will read short text and will need to identify the 'past' sentences within it. 2. T places Ss in BOR's and monitors. (3 minutes) 2. T nominates Ss to provide answer. 3. T confirms answers. T asks CCQ's to check understanding. (3 minutes)

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

1. Meaning -T will ask Ss to identify what 'Past' tense the language is. -T places Ss in BOR's and monitors. (2 minutes) -T nominates Ss to share answer and confirms. -T will ask follow up questions (CCQ's) (2 minutes) 2.Form -T informs Ss of matching game. -T elicits from Ss regarding correct answers. (3 minutes) -T to check understanding. T will ask CCQ's. (2 minutes) 3. Pronunciation. -T models pronunciation for Ss and ask Ss to assimilate. -Ss identify stress and linking within the functional language. -T provides confirmation, feedback and asks CCQ's (3 minutes)

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

1. T introduces controlled practice 'Gap Fill' activity based on the 'past' grammar tenses covered. (1 minute) 2. Ss placed in BOR's. T monitors (5 minutes) 3. OCFB and asks Ss to share answers. This is followed by DEC (4 minutes)

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

1.T informs to talk about their favourite 'adventure/travelling experience. Encourages to use past tense, like the 'travel diary'(1 minute) 2. Ss placed in BOR's, T monitors progress. (4 minutes) 3. T carries out OCFB and nominate Ss to share answers. 4. T goes into DEC and displays strong/weak answers for Ss. (4 minutes) 5. T thanks Ss for their participation and wishes them a good week.

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