nurcan nurcan

Elementary Class level


In this lesson, STS will be introduced to new lexis and target structure 'I am... ' and 'How are you feeling? in the content of 'feelings'. The lesson will focus on settling and stirring activities through various speaking activities and games to keep the learners engaged and the lesson fun. A total physical response activity will allow STS to move whilst practicing the language and an arts and craft activity will allow the learners to get creative whilst learning. Through these activities they will practice using target language to describe how they and others are feeling.


Abc PowerPoint slides(teacher made)
Abc Student's Book (English File -Christina Latham-Koening,Clive Oxenden,Jerry Lambert,Paul Seligson)
Abc worksheet
Abc Student's Book (English File -Christina Latham-Koening,Clive Oxenden,Jerry Lambert,Paul Seligson)
Abc Student's Book (English File -Christina Latham-Koening,Clive Oxenden,Jerry Lambert,Paul Seligson)

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of Feelings (adjectives) , and practice functional language (say/ask how someone feels).

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of expressing feelings.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

-T greets SS and ask a few students how they feel today. -Have them speak in pairs for 1-2 minutes about how they're feeling today. - T asks them what do the pictures show hoping to elicit the word feelings and If not the teacher will give it away.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T uses flashcards teach the following adjectives; angry,bored,frightened,happy,sad,hungry,thirsty,tired,cold,hot,stressed and worried.T drills the word "feeling" and ask CCQs: Is being happy a feeling? (Yes) Is it a negative feeling? (No) Is being sad a feeling? (Yes) Is it a positive feeling? (No) T demonstrates photos of feelings, asks CCQs, and express the word stress. * hungry: does he have any food?(N) /Hangri/ does he want to eat food?(Y) *hot: what does he need? fan /ha:t/ is he comfortable?(N) *cold: does he need to wear lots of clothes?(Y) /kould/ does he need a fan?(N) *angry: does she want to shout?(Y) /'aengri/ is she unhappy?(Y) *tired: what does she want? rest /taird/ does she have any energy?(N) *sad: is it happy?(N) /saed/ does it want to cry?(Y) *thirsty: what does he want? water /TH3:rsti/ did he have any? *worried: is there any problem?(Y) /'w3:rid/ is he relaxed?(N) *bored: is he tired?(Y) /b>:rd/ is he interested?(N) *happy: is he sad?(N) /'haepi/ does he want to cry?(N) *stressed: is he worred?(Y) /strest/ can he calm down?(N)-. Pronunciation /stress/ phonetic of the words will be written and at the end all the words together will be drilled.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

-T plays the video for Ss to listen and check .-Ss answer the exercise -Ss check their answers in pairs, check answers with the whole class.- T asks STS individually to draw a picture of a feeling.-Without showing the image, STS mime the feeling. -T gives feedback.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

-Sts look the slide.-T gives Sts a time limit to match the adjectives and pictures.-T points out that the first one (worried) has been done for them.-T plays the audio 2.13 for Sts to listen and check.-T checks answers. -When Sts have finished matching, go through the Collocation box together.-T plays the audio again, pausing after each phrase for Sts to listen and repeat. -T Models and drills any phrases which are difficult for your Sts, e.g. I’m thirsty.-T makes sure Sts can hear and pronounce the difference between angry /ˈæŋɡri/ and hungry /ˈhʌŋɡri/-Then T gives further practice by calling out the numbers.-T focuses on the instructions and the example sentences. -T Demonstrates the activity by telling Sts how you feel, using the phrases in a. Remind Sts of the modifiers very and quite. In pairs, Sts cover the words, look at the pictures, and make true sentences about themselves. some pictures for Sts to tell him/her how the person feels using the verb be, e.g.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

-T gives Ss hand out to match the adjectives with the correct expresion-Ss answer the exercise. -Ss check their answers in pairs. -T monitors students' conversations.-T checks answers with the whole class. -Give feedback.

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