Elisa Adriana Ortiz Hernandez Elisa Adriana Ortiz Hernandez

TP4 LP Elisa Adriana Ortiz Hernandez
Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson students will learn some common verbs which take the gerund form (verb+ing verb+gerund). In order to contextualize the lesson T. starts the lesson with a conversation with the Ss. about what they like, love, didn't like, and hate. doing. This is followed by a short reading and a quick gist where Ss. have to identify the TL. Then T. clarifies the MFP of the TL. Finally there is some controlled practice where Ss. use the TL. (Google Forms), and a freer practice (Speaking Activity).


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of verbs+gerund in the context of in the context of things they love, like, don't like, hate, and dream of doing

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a Conversation in the context of things theyTell your partner about the things that they love, like, don’t like, hate, and dream of doing at home. Giving reasons.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T. displays three pictures and SS discuss about what they see in the pictures (love/don't like/hate) T. shares a link on Zoom’s Chat to Google Slides Presentation where Ss. discuss in pairs the following questions: 1. What do you love doing in the summer? 2. What do you hate doing at work/college? (Breakout Rooms-) T. Conducts brief class feedback after listening what the Ss. have discussed.

Exposure (3-3 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T, displays a short dialogue using the TL Ss. read a short dialogue with the usage of the target language. (1 minute) A: I love having breakfast outdoors in summer. B: Oh! I hate eating outdoors. I like walking outdoors in summer. A: I don’t like walking, but I like spending all summer with my grandma. B: Oh! I don’t think visiting Grandma in summer is a good idea. Question Time: 1. Are the words in red and yellow verbs or nouns? 2.Are the sentences written in the present progressive tense? 3.Are the words made from a verb? 4.How do we call the words made by a verb + ing? 5.Are the words in red and yellow adjectives or nouns?

Highlighting (4-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T. shares a link on Zoom’s Chat to Google Slides where students individually will have 2 minutes to read and answer a gist task.(Identify the TL) Ss. will check their answers in pairs. (Ss. will work in breakout rooms.) (1 minute) T. checks answers with the whole group nominating Ss.and asking the reasons of their answers.

Clarification (12-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Meaning T. asks CCQs Ex. I absolutely hate eating outdoors with my family. I just adore listening to music What's the gerund in this sentence? What does it follow? What are the 3 ending letters of a gerund, Is the gerund made from a noun or a verb? Which verb? What part of speech is the gerund in this sentence? Is it a verb or a noun? Form verb+ing eat+ing= eating I hate eating outdoors with my family. I adore listening to music. Jogging is important for your health. I look forward to meeting you soon. TT, clarifies that a gerund could act as a subject, an object, or and object following a preposition in a sentence. Ss. will identify the different components in the sentences. Pronunciation T. will read the sent, out loud. SS. will identify which words T. is stressing SS. identify which words are linked. SS will drill for pronunciation.

Controlled Practice (8-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T. explains to SS. they will have 4 minutes to read and answer the exercises on Google Forms. T. shares a link on Zoom’s Chat, to a Google Form in which Ss. will choose the correct answer. After Ss. answer the exercise in forms, they will check their answers in pairs. (Via Private Messages) (3 minutes) Ss. will share their answers with the whole class. T. asks why they give their particular answers, and T. will ask the reason of their answers (3 minutes).

Free Practice (7-7 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T. shares a link on Zoom’s Chat, to a Google Slides Presentation where .working in pairs Ss will talk about the things that they love, like, don’t like, hate, and dream of doing at home. They will support their likes and deslikes. *Breakout Rooms* (4 minutes). After the Follow-up T. will nominate a S. to share his/her classmate points/or his/her own points, requesting reasons for the answers, ^ T. will give Feedback. (3 minutes).

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