B1 / Pre-Intermediate level
Main Aims
To provide practice of diverse uses of the verb "Get".
To nurture the student's appreciation for the variety of uses of the verb 'get' in preparation for other more complex verbs.
Subsidiary Aims
To introduce phrasal verbs as a concept and get students to practice using at least one of these successfully.
To give several basic/commonly used conjugations of 'get' e.g. 'got' and 'getting'
Procedure (41-45 minutes)
I will propose a simple question "How do you define 'get'?" and encourage them to brainstorm, expressing freely all that they associate with this word. This will maximize context to set up a full lesson, as these will be open-ended answers. I will encourage them to use the Zoom chatbox for brainstorming.
I'm going to use Google Slides here to do a mixed lecture / call & respond type light 'test', while also going with the TP points and the TTT template which I was advised that I could use. This will help the students to engage and absorb information in a relaxed manner before more challenging portions of this class. This will cover some MPF content.
I will continue with a mixed lecture / call and respond approach while asking more questions and giving students more opportunity to voice concerns and ask questions, sequencing between more rigid testing parts of the class.
I will use a Google Forms multiple choice/matching exercise to test their understanding of several 'get' uses. They will have 5 minutes for these questions individually and then 3 minutes to check answers and have OCFB.
I will challenge them to create a short story that they'll have 7 minutes to make together, in breakout room(s) and then 5 minutes to present and hear my feedback specifically on this task. Several minutes will be allocated in the final portion dedicated to the DEC.