Gabriel Gabriel

TP5 LP Speaking Gabriel García Rojas C.
Pre Intermediate level


To provide speaking fluency practice in the context of talking about a calendar. During lesson, students learn useful vocabulary to use when talking about calendars and important dates. TL is introduced and analysed gradually and the lesson ends with a Speaking task.


Main Aims

  • To provide speaking fluency practice in the context of talking about calendars and important dates.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide specific information in the context of calendars and in the context important dates also.


Lead In (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students (Ss).

Teacher welcomes Ss, talks as a reinder of the past lesson, lesson starts. Teacher explains Ss that during lesson, they will learn useful English language releated to calendars and important dates to remember. After that, Teacher shows Ss a Jamboard (Google) with some pictures, some celebration names, and some dates regarding important events. Teacher instructs Ss that in breakout rooms, they must match the pictures to the dates and also, matching them to the celebration names or events. They have 3 (three) minutes to complete the task. (exercise 1) Link 1 *Note.- If Ss can´t match all the elements or names with pictures, it doesn’t matter. ICQs : 1.- How much time do you have? Answer "3 minutes" . Teacher sends in chatbox the exercise 1 link. Ss to Break Out Rooms, enters each room and sends the relevant link. Teacher goes to each room and monitors the exercise done by Ss. When time is up, OCFB.- Teacher shows in the main room to Ss the jamboard with correct answers of exercise 1.

Content Preparation (4-5 minutes) • To prepare Ss for the content of the task

Teacher tells asks Ss to think about 3 (three) or (four), (depending on the number of students) important dates in their lives and write them down in the Chatbox. Teacher explains an example by telling to Ss "February 16th is the most important date for me, because this is the day when I was born". Teacher writes in the chatbox an example: "February 16th is my birthday". Teacher gives 2 (two) minutes for the Ss to think about and write own their important dates in the Chatbox.

Language Preparation (5-7 minutes) • To Highlight and Clarify Useful Language for coming productive tasks giving Ss language they can use to do the speaking task, in this case, Useful Language sections

Teacher presents the functional language needed for the speaking task. Teacher first shows the 4 (four) expressions (Link 1) that can be used to talk about calendars. Link 1 : Teacher asks CCQs regarding the form (Link 1) and proceeds to work on sentence stress and attitudinal function of intonation (Link 2). Link 2 : Ss repeat chorally and individually. Teacher then shows the 4 (four) questions that can be used to ask about calendars (Link 3). Link 3 : Teacher asks CCQs regarding the form (Link 3) and proceeds to work on sentence stress and attitudinal intonation (Link 4). Ss repeat chorally and individually. Link 4 :

Productive Task - Speaking (18-21 minutes) • To provide Ss with fluency

Teacher tells Ss that they will go to Break Out Rooms and interview each other about their important dates. They will use the questions that they learned in this lesson (Teacher will provide Ss with example dialogues during the speaking procedure by sending them a link to a Google document). Link 1 Teacher gives Ss 4 (four) minutes. Then, Ss will be separated again in different Break Out Rooms in different pairs for 4 (four) minutes again, but this time Teacher will replace some words from the dialogues with dashes. The task will be repeated two more times with more and more words being replaced by dashes. Teacher monitors the procedure and notes down anything that needs to be analysed afterwards, in the next stage of the lesson (DEC and FB). (P.S: Teacher has to be ready to copy and paste the new 'edited' text every time a 'round' ends and the pairs change).

Feedback and Error Correction (4-7 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Teacher opens the whiteboard and begins writing words, phrases and/or expressions that were heard during the Speaking procedure and gives FB by correcting (with the help of Ss) and/or praising Ss. Teacher also makes comments regarding the content of the Speaking Task. Teacher thanks Ss for their participation. Teacher says goodbye and the lesson ends.

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