Patrick Flaherty Patrick Flaherty

TP1 LP_Patrick Flaherty
Upper Intermediate level


This is a receptive skills (reading and listening) lesson in where students will be provided with reading practice for gist and specific information within the context of, "The power of transformation."


Main Aims

  • To provide gist in the context of the power of transformation.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in conversation in the context of metamorphosis (either experienced or viewed).
  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a reading in the context of the power of transformation.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. First, the T will introduce himself. 2. Next, the T tells the Ss that they will be discussing two questions in breakout rooms. 3. The T will ask the Ss: "What is your interpretation of the word metamorphosis?" The T will then send the Ss to breakout rooms for 1 minute to discuss their responses. 4. Next, the T will ask the Ss to respond to the following question: "Can someone experience a metamorphosis?" The T will then send the Ss to breakout rooms for 1 minute to discuss their responses. 5. Finally, the T will first ask for Ss volunteers (or call on students if there are no volunteers) to share out their responses to each of the questions.

Pre-teach vocabulary (8-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

- The T will cover the MFP of feisty, prestigious, allow, and roughly on a Jamboard. Students can make their own copy and follow along/fill-in for practice. MEANING CCQs: -Examples: -The T will explain to the Ss that he is going to give them an example sentence and discuss the meaning for each: -Gabriella has a feisty temper. The T will ask the Ss, Am I describing Gabriella, or am I describing her temper? What am I saying about her temper? -Harvard University is one of the most prestigious universities in the world. Am I saying Harvard University is very important? How important is Harvard? -When I use the word allow in this sentence: "Tomas is allowed to go to the bathroom." Am I saying if he can do something or has permission to do something? -He won the election by roughly 52% of all of the votes cast. Did he win by exactly 52% of the votes that were cast? FORM -What are these words (feisty, prestigious, allow, and roughly)? Are they an adjective, verb, or adverb? PRONUNCIATION -Drill & Practice: T will tell Ss, "Please repeat after me." -How many syllables does this word have? (For each word) -Where is the word stress (For each word)

While (Reading Practice) Reading for Gist (7-9 minutes) • To provide students with a less challenging gist reading task

Reading for Gist: -T will tell the Ss to read the text quickly and in order to get the general idea of the text - 2 minutes - Next, the learners check the answers in pairs (via breakout rooms) before OCFB - 2 minutes OCFB - The T will meet with the Ss (Main Room) and discuss the general idea of the text with the students - 3 minutes

While (Reading Practice) Reading for Detail (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging specific information reading tasks

-T will tell the Ss to read the text carefully for specific information. - Ss will then individually read the text in order to respond to questions for detail (via a Google Form) - 5 to 6 minutes - Next, Ss will check the answers in pairs (via breakout rooms) before OCFB - 2 minutes OCFB - The T will meet with the Ss (Main Room) and discuss the details of the text with the students - 5 minutes

Post-Reading (5-8 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned.

-Ss will respond to the content of the text. - The T will ask the Ss: Can you think of any other films, books, or stories where a key character is transformed in some way? Is there a message behind this transformation? Can anyone give a specific example from either their own life or one they know of? -The T will Conduct feedback on the task (Delayed error correction).

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