TP3 Lexis
Elementary level
Main Aims
To provide clarification, review and practice of collocation word sets in the context of holiday travel
Subsidiary Aims
To provide fluency speaking practice in a activities and choices in the context of traveling
To provide gist reading practice using a text about activities and choices in the context of traveling
Procedure (36-43 minutes)
T asks Ss to look at a Google Slide and asks Ss to identify the subject of the discussion. T starts the discussion by reading the question on the slide. Ss answer in pairs in the breakout room.
T shows Google slide with text conversation and asks Ss to read the text quickly to get the general idea of the conversation. T asks the class "What are these two people texting about?" (you have 1 minute to read it and tell me what they're talking about). T elicits answers and if needed nominates students
A slide is shown with 4 sentences. T sends a link with the dialogue slide in the chatbox for students to use as reference T-Ss. Students discuss in pairs( in the breakout) the meaning and form of each sentence. 2 min. All class returns to the main session where T each of 4 slides which represent each of the collocation sentences from the dialogue. Review of meaning and form and then discussion and practice of pronunciation. T- will model and students will recite. MPFA will all be discussed
Ss will be sent a link to a Google Form and do the fill-in exercise choosing from the collocation choices given. They will answer individually and then move into a breakout room to compare responses with their partner. They will have 5 minutes Then in open class, Ss will share their choices, and - will refer to the form of original sentences from the dialogue
T shows a slide of a personal experience in pictures and dialogue. Then will read aloud and demonstrate the use of the 4 featured collocations in a story about activities on a holiday.( 2 minutes) Students are then asked to share a story of a vacation or activity and use the four collocations featured in the lesson. They can pick another collocation pair from the prior exercise if they like but must use the same 4 verb or verv+ preposition pairs with a noun of their choice. They have 6 minutes to share work with partners in the breakout session. Open class resumes where any questions are asked and DEC is offered. feedback on freer and DEC