Caroline Kouma Caroline Kouma

Teaching Practice 4 (Showing interest)
Elementary level


In this lesson, students will learn the functional language of repeated words and questions to show interest in what the other person is saying. They will begin with a short speaking activity in which they will speak casually about personal topics, followed by two listening activities, one for gist and one for detail. TL will then be clarified through modeling and eliciting and students will be given two semi-controlled practice activities. The students will then engage in a freer speaking task to meet with the sub aim of this lesson. Finally, delayed feedback will be offered to correct errors from the final speaking activity.


Abc Phrase + interested/disinterested prompts
Abc Up arrow/Down arrow pictures
Abc Language focus: Showing interest exercise
Abc Listening exercise 2, p.38
Abc Picture HO
Abc Topic prompts

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of language used for showing interest in the context of casual conversation.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of showing interest through intonation.


Warmer (4-5 minutes) • To set the context of the lesson.

Ss are put in groups of 3 or 4 and are given 4 cards with a topic written on each. (a friend, a member of your family, you, your town) Ss are told they should each draw a card and then have 1 minute to talk about that topic. T will knock on the board or a desk to signify the next student should speak.

Listening for gist (2-3 minutes) • To provide students with practice in listening for gist

Ss are given HO with four pictures and are told they will listen to four conversations and will match each to a picture. Ask ICQs. "How many conversations? (Four.) How many times will we listen? (One time.)" Once finished, verbally check answers with WC.

Listening for detail (3-6 minutes) • To provide students with practice of listening for detail

Ss will listen to the four conversations again and will answer the questions in exercise 2. If necessary, the recordings may be played a second time. Ss then check in pairs. Finally, T writes an answer key on the WB for the students to check.

Clarification (5-7 minutes) • To provide clarification of the TL

T asks a few students questions from the listening (but modified a bit) to model the intonation of TL and over-exaggerates the intonation. "Where are you from? (I am from Turkey.) Turkey? What part of Turkey?" "How old are you? (I am 20 years old.) Twenty? When's your birthday?" "Who do you live with? (I live with my family.) Your family? Where do you live?" "What time do you wake up? (I wake up at six o'clock.) Six o'clock? Why do you wake up so early?" Ask the students, "Was I interested or uninterested?" (Interested.) "How do you know?" Ask another student, "How old are you?" (I am 23 years old) Answer in an uninterested fashion. "23 years old." Repeat with another student, but show interest. Ask students, "When was I more interested? In 1 or 2? How do you know?" Students should discover the rule for themselves. Finally, T will write the first two sentences on the board with three additional phrases (Really? So? How interesting.) and show intonation with arrows. Drill.

Semi-controlled practice (3-5 minutes) • To check students' comprehension of TL

T will model sentences/phrases and students must hold up an up arrow or down arrow to indicate whether the intonation showed interest or disinterest. To make this activity more challenging, use less and less facial expression with each phrase. After it appears the Ss understand and if there's time, T could ask 2-3 other students to volunteer to say some of the phrases. (In this case, S would be handed a paper with phrase and an up or down arrow to indicate how they should say it.) "Hmm?" - I "How interesting." - UI "Really?" - I "How old is he?" - I "Why do you start so early?" - UI "Seven o'clock in the morning" - UI "

Clarification (1-2 minutes) • To provide further clarification of TL and prep students for following activity

T writes first sentence of next activity on the WB. "I'm from Romania." T asks students, "What is the most important word in this sentence?" (Romania.) When Ss have answered, T writes "Romania?" on the WB with the up arrow. T then demonstrates the intonation of the two sentences. T asks CCQs to ensure comprehension. "What word did we repeat? (Romania.) Why? (Because it is the most important word.) Do we say it with interest or without interest? (With.)"

Semi-controlled practice (4-6 minutes) • To provide students with semi-controlled practice of the TL

Students will complete the Language focus exercise on p. 38 individually. While they are finishing the activity, T will write 1-4 on the WB with 2 underlines for each number. Once they have finished, answers will be checked in pairs. Finally, students will be invited to come to the board and write in the correct answers. Finally, T will ask, "Is it correct? Why or why not?" and allow WC to fix any mistakes.

Speaking practice (5-9 minutes) • To provide students with semi-controlled practice of the TL

Speed Dating Students will be put into 2 circles with the inner circle facing the outer circle. Each student will be paired with the person opposite him/her. Student A will tell Student B about something funny that happened to him/her. Student B should show interest by asking questions about what Student A is saying and using the TL and appropriate intonation. Each student is given 1-2 minutes (depending on how much they are enjoying the activity, how much time is needed to fit in delayed FB, etc) to speak before T knocks on board to signify they should switch. Once they have both spoken, the inner circle shifts one person to the right to regroup the students. Repeat the activity 1-3 times, depending on time.

Delayed FB/Error Correction (5-7 minutes) • To correct errors encountered earlier in the lesson

MAKE SURE YOU LEAVE TIME FOR THIS - DON'T FORGET IT! T should have taken notes to collect errors in the previous speaking activity (and possibly the opening activity) and will now take time to correct those errors with WC. T should choose 3-5 common or TL mistakes, write them on the WB one by one, and ask the students to correct the mistakes.

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