Maria Ybanez Maria Ybanez

TP8 Grammar
Elementary level


To introduce and practice be going to and might.


Abc Face2Face Elementary, Second Edition.
Abc Grammar book

Main Aims

  • To introduce the form "Might" and practice it together with the form "Be going to".

Subsidiary Aims

  • To teach and practice the use of "Might" and "Going to" in the context of talking about things that are decided or still undecided.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

* T presents slide 2 to ss with 2 questions: * How is Christmas celebrated in your country? What do you plan to do for Christmas? * T asks them to discuss these questions in pairs inside the breakout rooms for 2 minutes. * ICQ's: What are we going to do now? We are going to discuss these questions in pairs. How many minutes do we have? 2 minutes. * Ss come back and T nominates one ss from each pair in order to ask them what did they talk with each other.

Text Work (14-15 minutes) • To provide a model of the task and highlight useful words and phrases

1. * T presents the next task in Google Forms by screen sharing. * "Read this conversation of 3 students. Then select if the following statements in the questions are True or False. Don't resend the form. You have 3 minutes." * ICQ's: What are you going to do now? We are going to read and answer the questions.. How many minutes do you have? 3 minutes. Are you going to resend the form? No. * T sends the form to the ss by chat. * After 3 minutes the T nominates 1 ss per question in order to answer. 2. * T presents the next Google Form's task by screen sharing to the ss. T asks them to answer together in pairs in the breakout rooms. They will have 3 minutes in order to answer. Remember not to resend the form. * ICQ's: What are you going to do now? We are going to answer this form in pairs inside the breakout rooms. How many minutes do you have? 3 minutes. Are you going to resend the form? No. * Ss come back for the OCFB and the T nominates 1 ss per question in order to answer together. * CCQ: (Referring to the question number 5) Do you know why "Might" doesn't needs "to"? "Might" is a "modal auxiliary verb" (Ex. May & Will). This means that they are followed by the infinitive of the verb without “to”.

Language Clarification (7-8 minutes) • To explain and cover Meaning, Form and Pronunciation of the TL.

* T presents slide 3 to ss with more information about the "Might" form: * "Might" express hypothetical meaning (possibility). We also use "might" to express indecisiveness. * T presents the form's structure on the same slide. * T presents slide 4 and clarifies the difference between "might" and "going to". * We use "Might" to say something in the future is possible, but not decided. We use "Going to" say a future plan is decided. * T also mentions that "might" is known as a modal auxiliary verb (a verb used together with main verbs to express shades of time and mood). This means that they are followed by the infinitive of the verb without “to”. * T presents 2 sentence examples on Slide 5 and reviews the stressed words in the sentence, pronunciation and connected speech of the sentences(linking). * Linking happens when the end of one word blends into another. When the last sound of a word is a consonant and the first sound of the next word is a vowel, you get linking. * * * * * I'm going to meet some friends in town at seven. ➥ /aɪm/ /ˈgoʊɪŋ/ /tu/ * * * * * I might go to the party or I might go out for a meal. ➥ ➥ /aɪ/ /maɪt/ /goʊ/

Controlled Practice (8-9 minutes) • To allow students to reinforce their knowledge of the TL.

* T presents slide 6 to the s with a new activity. * T tells to the students they will work in pairs for this activity. * You and your partner are going to fill the following gaps with the correct form of "be going to" or "might" and the verb in brackets". "✔" Means "already decided", "✔✘" means "still not decided". Ss will have 4 minutes in order to work on the activity in the breakout rooms. I will send you the activity as a Jamboard slide by chat. You can take notes while working. * ICQ: What are you going to do now? To work in pairs in the breakout rooms and answer the activity. How many minutes do you have? 4 minutes. * T sends the activity as a Jamboard slide to the ss by chat, then sends them to the rooms and monitors them while working on the activity. * After 4 minutes ss come back from the rooms for the OCFB. T nominates one ss per question.

Freer Practice (6-8 minutes) • To allow students to report on how they did the task and how it went

* T presents slide 7 to the students with the last activity. * T tells them they have to write 2 things you might do and 2 things you are going to do next year individually. They will have 3 minutes. * ICQ: What are we going to do now? We are going to write 2 things we might do and 2 things we are going to do next year. Are you going to take notes? Yes. How many minutes do you have? 3 minutes. * After 3 minutes the T indicates them they will be sent to the breakout rooms in pairs and they will have to say their sentences in turns and see if they wrote something similar to the other's notes. ICQ: What are we going to do now? To work in pairs in the breakout rooms. read our sentences in turns and see if we have something similar to what our partner wrote. How many minutes do you have? 2 minutes. * T sends ss to the breakout rooms and monitors them until the time is up. * Ss come back for OCFB.

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