Mohamed Atef Mohamed Atef

Subject / Object Questions
Intermediate level


The students in this lesson will learn by a guided discovery practice how to form subject and object questions. They will do lots of exercises moving from a controlled exercises to a semi-controlled practice to a freer speaking practice aiming at achieving the accuracy and the fluency by the end of the lesson.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of Subject and object questions in the context of general knowledge and personal life questions.
  • To provide practice of Subject and object questions in the context of general knowledge and personal life questions.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of reporting news.
  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of personal life questions.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The teacher will give the students a challenging quiz as they will form general knowledge questions out of some given sentences and then they will think of their answers in groups. The students will work in groups and the teacher will give them the feedback. The teacher will use some instructions checking questions like: 1- Are you going to make questions? (Yes) 2- Are you going to answer them? (Yes) 3- Are you going to work individually? (No)

Guided Discovery Presentation (4-6 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language and prepare them for further practicing.

The teacher will give the students a handout that includes two sentences that contain the target language; one of them is a subject question and the other is an object question. The students will read the two questions and then they will individually do a (choose the correct answer) exercise that draws their attention to the target language. The teacher will ask them to compare their answers in pairs and then they will be given an answer key for the feedback. The teacher may use some instruction checking questions like: 1- Are you going to fill in the gaps? (No) 2- Are you going to choose the correct answer? (Yes) 3- Are you going to work with your partner? (No)

Function and meaning concept checking (3-4 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice through a reading task

The teacher will ask the students to unfold the handout to move to the next practice and read the questions given to find out whether each question is a subject or an object question. The students will do this practice individually and check their answers in pairs before they will be given the answer key. The teacher may use some instructions checking questions like: 1- Are you going to put true or false? (No) 2- Are you going to find out which is a subject and which is an object question? (Yes) 3- Are you going to work individually? (Yes)

Form concept checking (3-4 minutes) • To make sure that the students have understood the form of the target language and prepare them to use it in further practices.

The students will do a gap fill exercise related to the form of the target language. The students will do this exercise individually and then they will check their answers in pairs before being given the answer key. The teacher may ask some instructions checking questions like: 1- Are you going to fill in the gaps? (Yes) 2- Are you going to work with your partner? (No)

Drilling and highlighting stress and pronunciation. (3-4 minutes) • To provide the students with the correct pronunciation of the target language and get them ready to use it accurately in the controlled practice.

The teacher will show the students two examples on the board; one for a subject question and the other for an object question. Then, he will elicit the sentence stress positions and the intonation from the students and drill them chorally and individually.

Controlled Practice (7-9 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

The teacher will give the students some handouts that includes some phrases that will help them make questions to ask each other about their free time activities, movies they like, people who give them advice..etc. The students will walk around the class and change partners and take notes about each other. The teacher will ask them to find things in common among each other to make the practice look more meaningful.

Free Practice (8-11 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

The teacher will tell the students a story about someone who had an accident (If there's enough time, the teacher will ask the students to draw the events on the board for some fun). Then, the teacher will ask them to act like TV news channel reporters who want to know some details about the accident. To encourage them, the teacher will tell them the best reporter is the one who will gather the biggest number of details, and the winner will get a prize. The students will use the new question forms to ask each other about the details of the story while the teacher will be monitoring to write down some notes for a delayed feedback.

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