Sarah Abdel Hady Sarah Abdel Hady

Subject-verb agreement: Using [There + Be]
Elementary level


In this lesson, T presents a picture and discuss with Ss some questions related to it such as where the room is and what its number is. T adds if they were spent a night or couple of days in a hotel before, and if not would you like to spend a night in a hotel. T asks Ss to discuss these questions with partners, after eliciting some answers from them. Ss will listen to a dialogue (listen for gist) to get the main idea if the speaker saw a ghost or not. Ss listen again to a dialogue (listen for specific information) to fill-in gaps on their own, then Ss check their answers in pairs and T provides OC feedback. T plays a memory game with Ss to expose the TL highlighted in red on ppt. T asks CCQs trying to elicit the meaning from Ss, then models and drills TL within sentences to clarify the pronunciation, finally T clarifies the form of TL on the bored and highlights TL as a color-coded. T pre-teaches some difficult vocabulary items related to upcoming task. Ss will do a completing activity in pairs to work on the TL as a controlled practice and could do extra practice from grammar bank if there's time, then T gives OC feedback. For freer practice, T divides Ss in pairs, assigns memory task and spread different prompts for each student as SA has to respond to questions of SB and vice versa. T demonstrates first example with Ss using open pair technique, monitoring closely then gives content/linguistic feedback by praising the good examples and correcting errors anonymously.


Abc Gap-fill HO1
Abc Complete - grammar activity HO2
Abc Reading text HO2
Abc Power Point Presentation
Abc Controlled practice HO3
Abc Freer practice - speaking task (SA)
Abc Freer practice - speaking task (SB)

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of meaning, pronunciation and form of There was/were (There + be + subject) in the context of was there a ghost in the room?

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a Conversation in the context of was there a ghost in the room?


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Greet Ss, show them a picture on ppt relevant to the topic and invite Ss to describe it. Then, ask some personalized questions to motivate and arouse their curiosity to predict the topic and become more interested in it by asking Ss to discuss in pairs some questions related to their background experience and opinion if they have spent a night in a hotel before and how it was, etc. Ss come up with some answers and I monitor closely.

Pre-teach (3-5 minutes) • To make the text accessible and pre-teach the difficult vocabulary items

Introduce the difficult words in the text: 1) Cemetery (n) singular/countable (picture) and (description) when we bury dead people in a large yard full of gravestones, what do we call this place? Give Ss few sec to think then say it ( it's a place where bodies are buried under the ground), model and drill then write it on the board and highlight the main stress syllable. 2) Guests (n) plural/countable (Description) what do we call people we invite to our home, birthday or wedding parties? elicit the meaning from them, model and drill. 3) spooky (adj) (synonyms) strange, frightening - Model, drill and highlight the stress sound. 4) horror (n) (synonym) fear feeling - Model, drill and highlight the stress sound on board. 5) journey (n) (Definition) travelling from one place to another - Model, drill and highlight the stress sound and /dj/ sound.

Listening task (10-12 minutes) • To provide Ss with specific information listening task, check their guesses and fill-in gaps to get the target language

1- Set the listening task: ' you're going to listen to Stephen describing to interviewer what happened to him in Room 11. Listen and fill-in gaps.' 2- Ask these ICQs: -- How many people are you going to listen to? (Two) -- What are they talking about? (What happened to Stephen in Room 11) -- How many things will you complete in the report (HO1)? (10 items) 3- Distribute HO1 and tell them 'while you listen, fill-in blanks', play the audio and monitor. 4- Pause and check their answers by asking (what's strange about the room?, did he see the ghost? and so on) this's a demonstration to confirm that they are understand my instructions. 5- resume the audio and keep monitoring to check if they need to listen again. 6- play it one more time if Ss were struggling to answer. 7- Ask them to check in pairs. 8- Nominate for feedback.

Language clarification (6-8 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Assign completing activity from the reading text as Ss will do the exercise in pairs, then I give OC feedback. I elicit the meaning of TL through a memory game on ppt where TL is color-coded. Ask CCQs: Does there was/were express present or past tense? (past) Why we use this form (there was/were)? (to show that something was there or existed in the past) Do we use there was/were with any or some? (yes) Then I model and drill it within plenty of sentences to clarify pronunciation. Finally, I write the form (affirmative, negative and question) on the board with different color marker as a written-record.

Controlled Practice (3-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

I distribute HO3 in which Ss need to complete sentence with affirmative, negative and question forms of there was/were. I chest the handout, demonstrate first example then ask Ss ICQs: 1- How many sentences you'll answer? (5) 2- Will you write affirmative only or affirmative and negative sentences? (both) First they answer individually, then check in pairs before giving OC feedback.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with opportunity to produce the TL through speaking

I assign memory test activity by displaying a picture for just 30 sec and ask them memorize everything in the picture. Then, I divide Ss into pairs SA & SB, each student with different set of prompts as they have to: 1) write questions first. 2) ask these questions to their partners. 3) the winner who has the best memory. I ask Ss to start activity, monitor closely, get content/linguistic feedback from their responses. Correct their errors anonymously on board after praising the good ones.

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