Liam Smith Liam Smith

TP3- Lexis
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson students learn about lexis through introduction of collocations about daily routine. The lesson starts with a discussion about the topic (Daily Routines). This is followed by a gist task, where the learners will read and answer questions based on the given text. Next their will be a clarification task based on MFP about collocations of daily routine. We will then begin controlled practice which the learners will complete a 'fill in the blanks' exercise before going into OCFB. Finally we will then engage in free practice in order for the learners to fluently practice the language. We will end the lesson conducting OCFB and DEC.


Main Aims

  • Lexis

Subsidiary Aims

  • Reading- To provide gist


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

-T will share a Google slides link to Ss. T will then go to the first slide, which will display images based on the topic of 'Daily routines' and ask Ss to predict what the lesson's topic is about. (1 minute) - T will then ask students to answer the question based on Ex 1, P24. This will be carried out in break-out rooms. T will monitor Ss. (2 minutes) -We will then engage in OCFB and share answers. T will type Ss answers on Google doc for visual representation. (2-3 minutes)

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

-T will send Ss a Google forms link to a Gist task of a conversation between two people about daily routines. -Ss will then individually read the text and answer simple questions about it. (3 minutes) -T will then place Ss in break-out rooms and ask them to discuss their answers. (2 minutes) -T will engage the Ss in OCFB and ask Ss to share answers. T will ask Ss CCQ's if necessary. (3 minutes)

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

- T will go back to the Google Slides document and cover MFP. T will start by looking at Meaning. T will present four example collocation sentences. Ss will need to match the meaning to the correct definition of sentence. T will nominate Ss and ask CCQ's around the sentences. T will also cover Appropriacy in this section and ask the Ss whether it is formal or informal. (3 minutes) -T will then focus on form. T will present Ss the example sentences and they will need to match them to the correct grammatical structure. T will nominate Ss and provide confirmation. T will ask Ss whether the structure is fixed, T will also ask Ss CCQ's if required. (3 minutes) -T will then go into Pronunciation and cover stress and linking. T will model the pronunciation for the learners. T will then nominate Ss to practice both aspects of pronunciation. (3 minutes)

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

- T will then tell Ss that they will be doing a controlled practice exercise. T will send Ss a link to a Google Forms page that will have a fill in the blank exercise. -T will Ss to carry out this task individually. (3 minutes) -Once the set time is up T will put Ss in break-out rooms and ask them to clarify answers to each other. (2 minutes) -T will then engage in OCFB and nominate Ss to share answers and provide relevant feedback, including correction, confirmation and CCQ's. (3 minutes)

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

-T will direct Ss to a Google slides page that shows three topical speaking sentences. - T will then place Ss into break out rooms and ask them to ask and answer each other. T will monitor. (4 minutes) - T will then go into OCFB and nominate Ss to share their answers. T will write Ss answers on Google doc. ( 2 minutes) -DEC- T will display some of the Ss errors on the Google Docs page and ask the learners 'how can we correct these? - T thanks Ss for class and wishes them a good week.

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