Zaidee Mae Zaidee Mae

Copy of Taking risks, speaking and listening
Upper-intermediate, B2 level


This session works mostly on speaking which happens as the lead-in part in the class and then is followed by a listening with the same context of taking risks. After listening students will move on to the speaking part which they should ask each other some questions and discuss in groups to decide who is the biggest risk taker in their class. Teacher will do monitoring and correct problematic errors and mistakes.


Abc handout 2
Abc handout 1
Abc handout 2
Abc handout 2

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of taking risks

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of dealing with risks vocabularies in the context of taking risks
  • To provide gist and specific information listening practice using a text about Are you a risk taker? in the context of taking risks


Warmer/Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Students will see a picture of a man standing on top of a sky scraper, taking a selfie. They should come up with the word "risk" which is the main topic of this session. Then they will answer this question: "Are you a risk taker?" and if someone says yes, they should tell the class a little bit of their experience. Then in pairs they discuss this question "What is the riskiest thing you've ever done in your life." The feedback of this part will be from peers and they should tell the class what interesting things they talked bout.

Vocabulary teaching and exposure (6-8 minutes) • To pre-teach vocabularies and provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through listening

Students will hear a short story about the teacher's cousin, the aim is to pre-teach them 4 vocabularies, "Paragliding", "cope with", "self-conscious", and "speeding ticket". Then they see 6 photos of 6 different people and try to discuss in pairs which kinds of risks are these people willing to take. This is the exposure for the listening.

gist listening (4-6 minutes) • to get the whole idea of the listening

The students will be given the same paper which was shown on the board to answer "How many of these speakers consider themselves risk takers?" They check their answers in pairs and finalize them on the board.

Detailed listening (6-8 minutes) • To provide students with more information from the listening for later discussion

The students will read six sentences about the people in the listening and then listen again and match the speakers with the sentences. They check it in their pairs and the teacher will give the answers to the person who finished sooner to check with the whole class.

production (speaking) (9-11 minutes) • To give the students opportunity to put into practice whatever they have learned so far and In that session

The pairs are changed now and 9 questions would be stuck around the class. In pairs they have to ask each other the questions and give specific examples and take notes of their friends answers. Later in groups of 4 they will share their ideas and decide in each team who is the biggest risk taker of their team and why.

Feedback and error correction (5-7 minutes) • to put an end to the session's discussion and work on errors and mistakes

The students introduce the biggest risk takers of their teams to the class and tell them why. Then I work on the language points, errors, and mistakes that I heard and we end the session with this error correction.

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