Kora Kora

TP8 Writing
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will practice expressing gratitude and intention in writing in the context of writing a thank-you note. The lesson starts with a lead-in asking students about the best present they received last year and introducing the topic of thank-you notes. This is followed by an exposure task introducing students to a template for writing a good thank-you note and asking them to compare it to an example thank-you note in a breakout room activity. This is followed by an overview of a few relevant vocabulary words and phrases. Finally, students will have a productive task where they individually write their own thank you notes based on the template and then read and compare their notes in their breakout room groups.


Main Aims

  • To practice expressing gratitude and intention in writing in the context of writing a thank-you note.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice reading for detail.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Share slide with photo of presents and ask: What was your favorite present you received last year? Allow students to respond. Introduce the topic of thank-you notes. Conduct OCFB

Exposure (8-8 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

Say: Now that we have found out what our topic is, we are going to look at a template we can use to write thank-you notes and look at a real thank-you note written by someone else. Share link to presentation. Say: Here is a template we can use to help us write a thank-you note (briefly go over template), and here is a real thank-you note that was written to my mother after she made a quilt (a fancy blanket) for her friend LaReina who was having a baby. Instructions: I am going to send you to your breakout rooms, and I want to you look at this example thank-you note and the template and discuss with your partner which sentences in this thank-you note fit which step in the template (demo first sentence). You will have 3 minutes. ICQ: What will you be doing? (looking at the template and the thank you note) ICQ: And how long do you have? (3 minutes) Send learners to breakout rooms and have them discuss their answers in pairs. Display answer sheet and conduct OCFB

Useful Language (6-6 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

Say: Now that we have looked at the different steps of writing a thank-you note, we are going to look at some of the words and phrases you can use when writing a thank-you note. Display page with vocabulary words students might need during the speaking task, elicit meaning of several terms from students. Conduct OCFB

Productive Task (15-15 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Say: Now that we have gone over the steps to writing a thank-you note and some useful vocabulary, we are going to use it in our writing practice. Ensure students still have the presentation link open. Go over the instructions and ensure students understand the activity (showing the example thank you note again if necessary). Help students find the writing task slide with their name on it. Instructions: For this activity you are going to follow the instructions to write your own thank-you note. You will have 10 minutes. ICQ: How long do you have? (10 minutes). Divide students into their breakout rooms for 10 minutes, monitoring to ensure they have enough time to complete the activity.

Feedback and Error Correction (10-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Say: Now that you have written out your thank-you notes, I want you to get into teams in your breakout rooms and read each other’s notes (pair off students). Instructions: I am going to send you to your breakout rooms, and I want you to read each other’s notes out loud and discuss what you’ve written. You have 4 minutes. CCQ: How long do you have? (4 minutes) Have students read each other’s writing and give each other feedback. Conduct OCFB and DEC.

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