Geeta Thapa Geeta Thapa

Personal Qualities
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will learn vocabulary to express positive and negative personal qualities. Students will also get an opportunity to practice listening for gist and specific information.. Finally, students will be able to use the target vocabulary in freer-speaking pratice


Main Aims

  • To provide students with vocabulary knowledge in the context of personal qualities and provide them the opportunity to practice target vocabulary through freer-speaking activity

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide opportunity for students to practice accuracy and fluency speaking skill using target vocabulary.
  • To provide ooportunity for students to practice listening for gist and specific information in the context of personal qualities


Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Teacher shows two pictures of classroom and asks ‘what do you think of the teachers in the picture. Which teacher do you think is good and which one is bad? Teacher asks them to discuss in pairs briefly.

Test #1 (3-5 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

Teacher will have made a table on the board with verb, noun and adjective section before the class. Under adjective section, there will be good and bad categories. Teacher gives students flashcards where adjective relating to personal qualities are written. She asks them to discuss in group and attach it under the adjective section on the board. They will look at the vocabulary on their flashcard and attach it under good or bad category. Teacher will not feedback immediately but will let students know we will come back to that later.

Teach (10-15 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

Teacher uses ECDW to teach target vocabulary: Boring Elicit: when you are in the class, sometimes teacher goes like this: mimics monotonous expression and (hello students, today we are going to talk about why I am such a good teacher….; what kind of teacher is she? CCQ: If someone is boring, do you like them? No Is ıt good or bad quality? Are they fun? No Do you fall asleep when they talk? Yes Drilling: once normal, once with bored expression Write: Boring (adj) /ˈbɔːrɪŋ/ Encouraging Elicit: ‘Hey!! I know it’s hard but you can do it. I believe in you.’ CCQ: If a person is encouraging, does he support you? Yes Is he a nice person? Yes Drilling: Choral, group and individual Writing: encouraging (adj) /ɛŋˈkʌrɪdʒɪŋ / Enthusiastic Elicit: Elicit through demonstration: Let’s say someone is always, “wow! That’s great! I’m so happy! Let’s do it!” What kind of person is he? Enthusiastic CCQ: Is the person full of energy? Yes Is the person happy? Yes Is he boring? No Drilling: choral, group, with enthusiasm (n) /ɪnˈθjuːziæzəm/ Writing: Enthusiastic (adj) /ɪnθjuːzɪˈastɪk/ Frightening Elicit: Demonstration: “Yell and look angry and shout “WHY ARE YOU ALL QUIET” What was I like? Frightening CCQ: Do you get scared or nervous? Yes Do you like her? No Can you be friends with her? No Drilling: Choral, individual Writing: Frightening /ˈfraɪtənɪŋ/, /ˈfrʌɪtnɪŋ/ Inspiring Do you know someone, when you see them you want to be like them? You want to do as good as them, you feel like you can do as well What kind of person is he? Inspiring CCQ: Do you like this person? Yes Do you want to be like this person? Yes Does he make you feel like you can do anything? Yes Drilling: Choral, individual Writing: Inspiring /ɪnˈspʌɪərɪŋ/ Knowledgeable Elicit: When someone who is intelligent, what do we call them? He knows lots of thing, well-informed? Knowledgeable CCQ: Does he know everything? May be Does he know a lot of things? Yes If you want to know something do you ask this person? Yes Drilling: Choral, individual Writing: Knowledgeable (adj) /ˈnɒlɪdʒəb(ə)l/ Patient Elicit: If you don’t understand something, this person explains you, many times if you need. He doesn’t get angry or frustrated, what kind of person is this? Patient CCQ: Does this person get angry at you, even when you ask the same question many times? No Do you like this person? Yes Do you go to this person if you need help? Yes Drilling: Choral and individual Writing: Patient /ˈpeɪʃ(ə)nt/ Strict Elicit: First picture of a teacher (students may have already known this word during lead-in) demonstrates: pointing figure towards a student (silence! You can’t talk) What kind of teacher am I? Strict CCQ: can you do what you want in front of a strict person? No Can you break any rules? No Do you like this person? No Understanding Elicit: Do you know someone who is aware of how you feel? If you make mistake, he forgives you. What kind of person is he? Understanding CCQ: Do you go to this person if you have a problem? Yes Does he know how you feel? Yes Drilling: Choral, individual Writing: Understanding (adj) /ʌndəˈstændɪŋ/ Verb: understand (verb)

Test #2 (8-10 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

Teacher feedback on first task and asks students to correct if necessary. Controlled practice #1: Teacher gives handout to students and ask them to circle the correct answer.Teacher asks them to work individually. ICQ: Are you going to write anything? No just circle teacher monitors. Teacher gets them to peer-check provides WCFB if necessary.

Listening activity (13-15 minutes) • To provide students opportunity to hear the usage of target language in real world while providing opportunity to practice listening for gist and specific information.

Listening activity: Gist listening: Teacher asks ss to listen for the subjects the teachers taught and write it down beside teachers’ name. Teacher provides F/B Specific information: Teacher gives handout to ss and asks them to take notes on each teacher’s good/bad qualities. Teacher monitors. She asks students to check their answer in pair. WCFB if necessary

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