Maria Ybanez Maria Ybanez

TP5 Speaking
Elementary level


In this lesson, students will practice speaking by using frequency expressions and learn about frequency adverbs in the context of healthy habits.


Abc Text book
Abc English Grammar Book

Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice of speaking for fluency using frequency expressions.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of frequency expressions in the context of health habits.


Warmer/Lead-in (8-10 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

PRE-TASK * T presents 2 pictures to the Ss on Slide 2. * T nominates 1 Ss per picture. CCQs: "What do you think is happening on this picture?" "Why do you think they're doing ...? "Is what they're doing a good thing for them? TASK * T presents Slide 3 and gives instructions: * "Talk with your partner about this": 1. Which habits do you have that you consider healthy? (Ex. To eat vegetables, to go for a walk.) 2. Which healthy habits would you like to have someday? * Ss will have 3 minutes to talk with your partner about these questions in the breakout rooms. * T sends them to breakout rooms. * Ss come back and nominates 1 Ss from each pair in order to them to talk about their conversation in the breakout rooms.

Preparation (9-10 minutes) • To give Ss language they can use to do the speaking task and scaffold the speaking task.

* T presents Slide 3: Talk with your partner about this: Which habits do you have that you consider healthy? (Ex. To eat vegetables, to go for a walk.) Which healthy habits would you like to have someday? * T tells Ss they will be sent to breakout rooms and they'll have 2 minutes to talk. T sends them to breakout rooms. * T presents 2 conversations on Slide 4 and nominates a Ss for each part. * T asks Ss: "Are these sentences expressing frequency?" Answer: Yes. * T explains while showing Slide 5 that "often" is known as an Adverb of Frequency. An adverb is a word that can modify a verb, an adjective or another adverb. * An adverb of frequency indicates how frequently we do things or how often things happen. * "Every" and "once" are adverbs of "Definite Frequency" (Slide 5). * On Slide 6 T explains about how to use "how often", "once a" and "every", their position in a sentence and the words that accompanies them.

Content Preparation (6-7 minutes) • To prepare Ss for the Speaking Task

* T presents Slide 7 with some sentences Ss will have to complete in an open class. 1. I enjoy eating sweets (every) day. 2. I think I drink (once a) week. 3. I sleep until late (every) weekend. 4. (How often) do you go on vacation (every) year? * T gives them 2 minutes to take notes first. * Ss answer the questions with the T while explaining why that answer was chosen. * T will make drills by nominating Ss in order for them to repeat the sentences.

Speaking (6-8 minutes) • To allow Ss to talk about the topic with their peers.

* T presents Slide 8 with the next activity and asks Ss to work in pairs for this activity. "How often do you...?" Go for a walk? Go swimming? Eat fish? Eat junk food? Eat vegetables? Go to the gym? Drink alcohol? Go to the doctor? * Ss will ask to each other how often do they do any of the activities from the list. They'll have 4 minutes to ask 1 question and 1 answer per person in the breakout rooms. * T asks Ss to take notes while speaking with their partner so they can discuss their answers in the OCFB. * T sends them to the breakout rooms. * Ss come back from the breakout rooms.

Feedback (8-10 minutes) • To allow T to correct any mistake and answer any question the Ss can have

* Ss come back from the breakout rooms and the T nominates each Ss in order to discuss the questions and answer they gave each other in the activity. * T prepares to correct any mistake on the TL, sentence and pronunciation.

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