TP 06
elementary level
Main Aims
To introduce and provide practice of speaking for fluency in the context of recent events with showing interest
Subsidiary Aims
to provide practice in reading, to provide language clarification of the target language
Procedure (31-46 minutes)
Slide 1. What did you do last weekend? Let ss think for 1 min. Instructions: Talk with your partner about what you did last weekend. T asks 1 S to answer the question and asks S to ask the question to the T. I worked, I went out for dinner and I went surfing.
slide 2. Instructions: Read the text and fill in the gap by using the words from the word bank. You have 2 minutes. Instructions: Compare your answers with your partner in BR. You have 2 minutes. OCFB
Slide 3. Meaning: Instructions: Put the reactions in the right column. T demos first one - Oh, right. CCQs: Does this mean I’m happy for you or that I’m not surprised? (not surprised) Is it a strong response or a normal response? (normal) Ss answer individually (1 min) IF time allowes: instructions: Compare your answers with your partners BR 2 min. Slide 4 OCFB slide 5. Appropriacy Can we use these reactions at our work? (yes) Can we use these reactions at home? (yes) Are the reactions informal, neutral or formal? (neutral) Slide 6. Form. Instructions: read the sentences and put them in the right column. Question/response/answer. T Demos one. group 1 slide 1, group 2 slide 2, group 3 slide 3 etc. T sends link in chat Br 2 min Slide 7. T shows correct answers Slide 8. Pronunciation. Instructions: Listen to the audio and choose the correct answer. When goes our voice higher and louder and when lower and softer? T plays audio CD track 14 When time allows: Instructions: compare your answers in the BR for 2 min Slide 9. Instructions: Listen and repeat T says reactions, ss repeat chorally T selects 1 ss to repeat for each response
Slide 10. Instructions: Read the sentences and choose the correct answer. There are two correct answers per question. T demos 1. T sends link in chat Ss answer individually 3 min. Instructions: Compare your answers with your partner. BR 2 min OCFB T shows correct answers
Slide 11. Instructions: Talk with your partner about what you did last weekend. ask at least 2-3 questions and make sure you have 2-3 responses. You can use the activities you've discussed in the first activity. You have 6 minutes ICQ: Are we talking about today or last weekend? (last weekend) How many questions do we ask? (2-3) How many responses? (2-3) Br for 6 min Extra activity: Talk about your last day off/vacation
Side 12. T writes down language opportunities and covers correct answers by eliciting