Mar Mar

Elementary level


Learners will practice the past simple.


Abc Lesson adapted from:Chris Redston and Gillie Cunningham, (2012) Cambridge Face2Face, Elementary. SE.

Main Aims

  • To practice and revise past simple ("be" positive and negative)

Subsidiary Aims

  • Reading and speaking using past simple.


Warmer/Lead-in (0-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

-Slide 1 -Ask a question related to the topic of the lesson. "What do you think about these two pictures?" -Send Ss to breakout rooms and ask them to share their answers in pairs/small groups.(3min) -Elicit answers from the students

Exposure (0-4 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

-Slide 2 -Read quickly the text and answer the questions in your notebook.(2min). "What is the topic?" "How old is the speaker?" -ICQ's: Do you have to read it quickly or slowly? Quickly. To have a general idea of the text. -Conduct open class feedback.

Highlighting (0-7 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

-Slide 3 -Read again the text and write down the words in your notebook.(3min). "Find the words, was, wasn't, were and weren't" -ICQ's: Do you have to write down in the chat or in the notebook? in the notebook because this is an individual task. -Ask Ss to compare their answers in pairs via private message.(3min)

Clarification (0-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

-Slides 4-7 -Ask Ss to fill in the gaps with was, wasn’t, were and weren’t. -Ask another Ss for the correct answer. -Conduct Open class feedback. -Explain to Ss the past simple form and provide some examples. - Ask CCQ's: "Does the action happen in the past? Yes. "Does the action finish in the past? Yes. "Do we use time marker in the past? Yes. -Ensure that the Ss understand the form before moving forward. -Show Ss sentence stress and practice the words in choral drill and individual drill. Point out that wasn't and weren't are always stressed.

Controlled Practice (0-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

-Google form -Share the link with the Ss and ask them to complete the google form individually. -ICQ's: Do you have to do it alone? yes. This is the first step. -Show Ss how to answer the form, providing a demo of the first question. (time for the task 3 min). -Send Ss to breakout rooms and ask them to check the answers in pair. (3 min) -Monitor Ss to see if they have some difficulties with the task. -Conduct Open class feedback.

Free Practice (0-9 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

-Slide 8 -Ask Ss "What did you do on your (13th) birthday?" - Send Ss to breakout room and ask them to work in pairs/small groups. (4min) -Monitor Ss to see how they interact with their partners. -Ask Ss to share their ideas with the class. -Conduct feedback on the task -Address any Delayed Error Correction -Thank Ss for their hard work and time before saying goodbye.

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