Hasan Ulvi EVREN Hasan Ulvi EVREN

Vocabulary Lesson& Question Formations
Intermediate, B1 level


In this lesson, students will learn some vocabulary that can be used to describe people's qualifications through TTT. The lesson starts with a discussion about a caricature related to a job interview, then students are tested about the vocabulary that is planned to be given. Next, the new words are elicited and students are tested again with a controlled practice. The lesson goes on with a semi-controlled practice and the students are supposed to write questions for a questionnaire. Finally, the lesson finishes with a freer role-play activity.


Abc Laptop and OHP
Abc Cards
Abc Laptop & OHP and slides
Abc handout
Abc questionnaire
Abc Role play cards

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will be able to improve their vocabulary, including business collocations by means of some controlled and freer exercises in the context of personal qualifications.

Subsidiary Aims

  • to revise question formations.


Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • to enable the students to relax and lead them to the vocabulary that they will learn

- After greeting the students, a caricature is reflected on the board. Some questions will be asked to the students about that caricature; 1. Do you think this man is good enough for the job? 2. Why/ Why not? - Students discuss about the caricature, and share their ideas in a W/C format.

Testing Vocabulary (3-5 minutes) • to test and check what words related to the TL are problematic for the students

- The students are asked to work in groups. Some cards that include the words related to the TL are shown to the students, and they are asked to stick those cards on the board under the verbs "have", "do", and "get". - This activity is done to find out which of the words related to the TL are problematic for the students. - In this stage, there is no feedback for the answers of the students, it will be given after eliciting the vocabulary.

Teaching Vocabulary (10-12 minutes) • to enable the students to learn vocabulary which are problematic for them

- The problematic words are elicited by the teacher by using some slides. Some pictures are reflected on the board to help the students guess the meaning of the vocabulary easier. - This activity starts with a picture, and some explanations are made by the teacher to elicit the current vocabulary. e.g. qualification 1. Do you think the man (by showing the picture) has an ability to get this job? / Yes 2. Do you think he is experienced enough? / Yes 3. So, he has required.......... to get this job. (T waits for ss' guesses) / qualifications. - Then, some CCQs are asked to check if the students are sure about the meaning of the current vocabulary; e.g. qualification 1. If you have required qualifications, do you get a job?/ Yes. 2. If you don't have any qualifications, can you be successful in your work life? / No. - After that, the word is drilled by the teacher and written on the board. Those steps are followed for all of the problematic words. - Finally, students are paired up and asked to check their answers that they gave in the previous stage.

Testing Vocabulary (5-7 minutes) • to check if the students understand the vocabulary clearly and fixate the TL

- The students are asked to work in pairs, and then a handout is shown to them. - The students are instructed to read the situations and match them with the correct words in the box. - After the matching, they are asked to compare their answers with other pairs. - Finally, the answer key is given as a handout.

Semi-controlled practice (10-12 minutes) • To enable the students to practice using the vocabulary they have learned by making questions for a questionnaire

- The class is divided into two groups and asked to write some questions by using the given words to prepare a questionnaire. - Each group will have two different and two common words. - There will also be pairs in each group to write their questions separately. - An example is done by the teacher to clarify the activity; e.g. (T writes "qualification" on the board) 1. What question can we make by using this word? / (T waits for ss' responses) 2. If ss give a correct example, the teacher writes it on the board. 3. If ss don't give a correct example, the teacher writes a question on the board. / (What qualifications do you have?) - After they write their questions, one member from each group will be paired up again and they will ask the questions in their questionnaires to each other. - (Optional) (The pairs can be switched if there is enough time)

Freer Practice (7-9 minutes) • to give the students an opportunity to build a conversation with their partners

- Two different role play cards are shown to the students. - They are asked to build a conversation with their partners by using their role-play cards. - The students are paired up according to their roles. - Group A is an employer and looking for an employee to work in his/ her company. - Group B is an employee and looking for a suitable job for him/ her. - A short demonstration is done by the teacher before the activity starts. e.g. Teacher: (Group A): Did you do an MA? (Group B): Yes, I did. (Group A): In which university? (Group B): In Hacettepe University. - After the conversations, the employees are asked if they get the job or not. - Finally, a delayed feedback is given, if necessary.

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