Mahshid Maleki Mahshid Maleki

TP2 LP - Mahshid Maleki
Pre-intermidiate level


In this lesson, students learn about the Compound Nouns through guided discovery based on a reading text about the Champs-Élysée street in Paris.


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Main Aims

  • To identify, practice and produce compound nouns in the context of streets and objects in the streets.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice using a text about Champs-Elysée street and To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of describing your city.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will use Google Jamboard to show a visual of a street and a question to elicit personal response. T to set tone of learning environment. Questions on Jamboard: 1. What is the name of your favourite street? Why? What does it have?

Exposure (3-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T will ask Ss to read the text about Champs-Élysée as a gist and answer the following questions: 1. What street is the text talking about? (Champs-Élysée) 2. Where is this street? (Paris, France) 3. Name 2 clothing items you can find in this street? (Polo shirt, bag, underwear, sweater) 4. Is it a safe street? (No) T will pair up students to check answers.

Highlighting (3-6 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T will show the text to the Ss again but this time one of the compound nouns in the text will be highlighted. T will ask Ss to underline the words they think are similar to the highlighted compound noun. Then the Ss would share their answers with the class

Clarification (8-11 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

The 4 words which the MFP would be clarified are: Price tag, Pickpocket, Passer-by (One from the 3 types of compound nouns (open, closed, hyphenated)) Price tag Meaning T will show a visual of a price tag then elicit the meaning from students by asking the following questions: - What does this number show? (The price) - Is it attached to something? (Yes) - Is it made of paper? (Yes) Form* Price tag Noun+Noun=Compound Noun (open) Singular Noun Pronunciation* /ˈpraɪs ˌtæɡ/ Pickpocket Meaning T will show a visual of a pickpocket then elicit the meaning from students by asking the following questions: - What is this person doing? (He is stealing) - What is he? (A thief) - Is he stealing sth from the other person's pocket? (Yes) Form* Pickpocket Verb+Noun=Compound Noun (closed) Singular Noun Pronunciation* /ˈpɪkˌpɒk.ɪt/ Passer-by Meaning T will show a picture of a lady with a passer-by in the background (he is marked with a red circle) and then elicit the meaning from students by asking the following questions: - Are we talking about a person or a building?(a person) - Is this person walking or standing? (Walking) - Is this person going past a place? (Yes) - Does this person know the lady in blue? (No) - Did the photographer want to take his photo? (No) - Did he want to be in the photo? (No) Form* Passer-by Noun+Preposition=Compound Noun (Hyphenated) Single noun Pronunciation* /ˌpæs.ɚˈbaɪ/ Underwear Meaning T will show a visual of different underwears then elicit the meaning from students by asking the following questions: - Do we wear it under our clothes? (Yes) - Is it next to our skin? (Yes) Form* Underwear Preposition+Verb=Compound Noun (closed) Singular Noun Pronunciation* /ˈʌn.dɚ.wer/ *Form T will ask the following questions to clarify the form of all three words: - Is it made from 1 word or 2 words? - Is the first word a noun, a verb, an adjective or a preposition? - Is the second word a noun, a verb, an adjective or a preposition? - Together, do these words form a noun or a verb? - Is it singular or plural? *Pronunciation T will ask the following questions to clarify the pronunciation of all three words: - Where do we put the stress? - Let's say it together (Chorus Drill) - Nominating individual Ss for an individual drill

Controlled Practice (6-9 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T will ask Ss to fill in the gaps with the words that were seen in the clarification section. There would be 2 sentences for each word. Ss should first do this activity individually. Then they will check their answers in pairs. - The__(price Tag)__is missing so I don't know how much this sweater costs. - A __(passer-by)__saw the accident and stopped to help. - He kept his wallet in his hand because he knew there would be__(pickpockets)__in the crowd. - How much is it? There's no__(price Tag)__on it. - These days, your cash isn't necessarily the most attractive possession for a__(pickpocket)__. - A__(passer-by)__described what he saw moments after the car bomb had exploded.

Free Practice (6-9 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T will ask students to write 3 sentences about their town or city, T will instruct Ss to use at least one compound noun in their sentences (2 min). Afterwards, T will instruct Ss to get into groups and share their answers (2 min). T will carry out a DEC.

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