Flávia Flávia

TP8 - Grammar (wish + Simple Past; wish + would)
Upper-Intermediate level


In this lesson students learn about 2 uses of wish in the context of things that annoy you. As a lead-in teacher asks students about what really annoys them. Then, students read a magazine article and talk in pairs about the situations shown in the article. The target language is presented through a listening text in which speakers talk about the things that annoy them from the magazine article. Students have to listen for gist and identify them. After that students work on language clarification in pairs in a guided-discovery approach. Teacher conducts OCFB and works on pronunciation and appropriacy. Students then work individually in a controlled practice activity. They then check their answers in pairs. Finally, students work in pairs in a freer activity. As students work in pairs, teacher monitors and then provides OCFB and delayed error correction.


Abc jamboard https://jamboard.google.com/d/1LdjiXfnK1VjCeoSzX_Z4enmM4kkzWWJsGoxk42gDyhU/edit?usp=sharing
Abc Clarification https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zuGEqCPJ-qsxXAmR3dAl2b2Y98xyHfh1MTEVvpCpcMU/edit?u
Abc Controlled practice https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IWXJw0VuefuasCc4VHK4pYBBtIHKq6P49a8pRuoqaiw/
Abc audio file

Main Aims

  • To enable students to understand and practice Wish + Simple Past and Wish + Would in the context of things that annoy you.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To enable students to develop their speaking skills in a conversation about things that annoy you.
  • To enable students to develop their listening skills for gist in four short conversations about things that annoy you.


Lead-in (0-5 minutes) • to engage learners and activate their previous knowledge of the topic

• T shows slide 1 and works with the whole group asking Ss what annoys them. T gives one example about herself. • Instructions: What really annoys you? It really annoys me when my internet is down because nowadays we depend on the internet for everything. And you, St A?

Presentation through the text (0-5 minutes) • To set the context for students to understand and use wish + Simple Past and wish + would

• T shows slide 2 with a magazine article (taken from New English File Upper-intermediate) about things that really annoy us, and asks Ss to work in pairs and say which of the things from the list annoy them. • Instructions: Look at this magazine article and in pairs say which of these things really annoy you. You just have to read the options and say yes or no. You have 2 minutes. • ICQs: Do you talk a lot about each of the items or just read them and say ‘yes’ or ‘no’? Just say ‘yes’ or ‘no’. • T puts Ss in breakout rooms. • After they have talked about the things from the list that really annoy them, Ss listen to 4 people and they have to identify which of the things they refer to. • Instructions: Now listen to four conversations. Which of the irritating things in the magazine article do they refer to? • T plays audio, pauses after each speaker and elicits the answer from the group.

Clarification (0-10 minutes) • To cover MFP of the target language

• Ss work on meaning and form in a guided-discovery approach. They work in pairs to provide peer scaffolding to one another. • T sends a google document link for Ss to work in pairs. • Instructions: Open the google document and do the activities in pairs. You have 5 minutes. • T does number 1 as an example. • T sends Ss to breakout rooms. • After that T provides OCFB and works on the pronunciation of the 4 example sentences (slide 3). T plays the recording again for Ss to identify the stress and drills pronunciation. • To consolidate and wrap up the clarification moment T conducts substitution drill: • Prompts: have a better car; know how to fly; live in a better house; the rain stop; my neighbours have parties late at night.

Controlled practice (0-5 minutes) • to provide controlled practice of the target language

• To provide controlled practice of the target language T sends a link to a google document and tells Ss they have 3 minutes to do the activity individually. There is an example sentence so T models with it (slide 4). • Instructions: Underline the correct option. You have 3 minutes to do the activity individually. • After Ss do the activity T sends them to the breakout rooms to check answers. • Instructions: Check your answers in pairs. You have 2 minutes. • T provides OCFB.

Freer practice (0-10 minutes) • To allow students to use the target language in freer practice

• To practice the target language in a freer way Ss work in pairs and ask each other the questions: ‘What would you like to be different in the present / future?’; ‘What do people do that annoy you? • T demos and reminds Ss to use wish + Simple Past and wish + would • Instructions: Work in pairs and ask your friend these questions. You have 7 minutes. • Script: I wish I could go out without a mask. I wish my neighbour’s dog would stop barking all night long. • T monitors Ss performance.

Delayed correction / Feedback (0-10 minutes) • To provide learners with feedback on the completion of the task and language

• T writes some examples of language produced by Ss on the board. Ss have to say which ones are correct and which ones are wrong and correct the wrong ones. • Ss do the task in pairs in breakout rooms (5 minutes) • Instructions: Which sentences are correct? Which sentences are wrong? Correct the wrong ones. You have 5 minutes. • T conducts OCFB and DEC.

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