Teaching Practice 1
Pre-intermediate level
Main Aims
To introduce and practice the past continuous tense in the context of meeting someone
Subsidiary Aims
Listening for gist and specific information
Procedure (34-45 minutes)
quick self-intro, refresh memory of the "star facts" ice-breaking activity. quick recap on simple past tense, ask them What Did You Do...? Qs. Showing people meeting pictures and elicit responses.
3 pictures of people meeting, sentences paper strips on WB, Elicit some guesses about the listening script. CCQs on "queue" and "go out with". In pairs, match the sentences with the pictures, To have an idea for the following listening.
Students have answers and decide if their answers are correct while listening. WCF
Ask Sts if the "boarded" answers were right or wrong. "One wrong?" " All correct?" etc. Board example sentences, "I was traveling back from China and we met on the plane." Introduce the timeline concept, ask CCQs and elicit questions. Give Ex. 2b), Pronunciation drill, at "was" "were" with examples. Mark stresses on WB. Monitoring the WC Give Ex. 4. Work in pairs.
Ask who are married, and divide into groups of 4-5, incl one married student, ask single students to ask the married one questions regarding meeting his or her partner. e.g. " Where did you first meet your wife / husband?" Wh- Questions. "were you going out with him / her when you were a college student?" etc.