Elena Harizanova Elena Harizanova

To practice and revise verb-noun collocations
Upper Intermidiate level


Abc Gist taks

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of verb-noun collocations

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide detailed reading practice for verb-noun collocations


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will show the students a slide and I will ask them to think about the questions for about 30 seconds. I will put them in break-out rooms and give them 3 mins to share their opinion on both questions. I will make sure I use some ICQs I will nominate 2 students to tell us what their partners shared with them.

Exposure (4-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

For a gist task, I will assign them a chat box partner and share the google form in the chat box. I will give them 2 mins individually to read the story and then compare the answers with their partner. I will nominate 1 student to answer, make sure the rest agree.

Highlighting (2-3 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

In order to draw their attention to target language I will show them the second picture from my slide and ask them what are my least favorite chores? And my favorite activity in my free time. I will give them 1 min to check answers with their partners in chat box and then we will discuss it. I hope they will all use verb+noun collocations if not i will use some CCQs : what do I like on my day off? Eat breakfast with the family ? yes that is correct, do we usually say it this way ? Do we say we eat breakfast ? Lunch ? Dinner?

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

I will share my slides, and show them the original text. I will ask them to look at the highlighted words and tell me if there is another way to express the meaning? (yes, there is) but does it sound correct? (no, it doesn't) Slide 1 and 2. Can we say "we created a plan yesterday" ? yes, we can but it doesn't sound right. Does anyone know what do we call those words? Verb-Noun Collocations. Slide 3. What is a Collocation? - 2 words that go together Why do we have to learn them ? Can you think of collocations in your own language ? probably not, they come natural- so, we learn collocations to sound more natural when we speak with natives. Does it make our vocabulary richer? yes, it does (show them slide 4) Slide 5 Ask them to think about the 2 questions for about 30 sec, then nominate 4 students to read them and think of another one with the same verb. then, go back to the questions- nominates students to answer, if they are not sure ask someone else till we get to the answer that the importance is in the noun and that there are no collocation rules. Slide 6 Nominate students one by one to answer

Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

I will send them the link to the google form, give them 4 mins to answer the 8 questions - then, the can compare answers with their partners. I will nominate a students from each group to answer

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

I will split the students in break out rooms and give them 3 mins to answer the two questions from the beginning of the class - using collocations and maybe discuss of the weirdest collocation they can think of - the ones that doesn't make any sense ( especially if translated) : such as BREAK A LEG , CATCH A COLD After that we will have an open class discussion

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