Abdulsalam Abdulsalam

Pat simple with USED TO and WOULD
Upper-Intermediate Level level


In this lesson, the students will learn to wary their ways when they speak about past habits, using either USED TO or WOULD correctly. It will start with eliciting what they generally know and how they used both. Then highlighting both forms so the students understand the usage of both explicitly. Afterward, the students will be exposed to two more ways of completing the sentences they started using ' not any more' or 'no longer'. The lesson will include some controlled and semi-controlled practice, and also some freer practice to enable them to use all of the above more freely.


Abc Upper-intermediate book by Cambridge English
Abc Doff, Thaine, Puchta, Stranks and Lewis-Jones, EMPOWER B2 Upper-Int SB, Cambridge University Press.
Abc Pictures
Abc PPt slides
Abc Baamboozle Game
Abc Jim Scrivener, Teaching English Grammar: What to Teach and How to Teach it, Macmillan Education,2010

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice using the grammar rule of 'used to'/'would' to speak about past habits in the context of former habits/childhood habits.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy in speaking when using 'used to' and 'would' for past habits in the context of former habits/childhood habits.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- T displays (slide1) showing some past facts about T. Some are true and some are untrue. - T asks the Ss to figure out which ones are true and which are not. -Ss try to guess as T listens to them. -T tells them about himself/herself.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • For the students to be exposed to the target language

-T displays (slide2) asking the Ss to write three past habits about themselves ( true and untrue). -T asks Ss to discuss and figure out which ones are true and which ones are untrue in breakout rooms. -T gets feedback. -T displays (slide3) containing some examples of 'used to / would'. T asks the students to read the sentences. Then T asks the Ss to fill in the gaps. Ss fill in the gaps as T confirms and writes. -T displays (slide4) containing some examples of 'no longer' and ' not anymore'. T asks the Ss to answer the first question. T confirms the answer and reveals the answer. -T asks the Ss to read the second question. T gives some time to Ss to change the sentences. Ss say the answer as T confirms and reveals the answers.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of 'used to / would' and 'no longer / not anymore' in the context of old habits.

- T displays (slide5) showing a sentence of 'used to'. -T elicits the part of speech of the words in the sentence. T confirms as he listens to Ss. -T asks some CCQs to Ss to confirm the full comprehension of Ss. -T displays another sentence, but this time using 'would' instead. -T elicits the part of speech of the words in the sentence. T confirms as he listens to Ss. -T asks some CCQs to Ss to confirm the full comprehension of the distinctions between 'would' and 'used to'. -T displays (slide6) containing some notes for the students before they are set for some practice. -T confirms that would is not usually used in negative and questions ( as it is less common). -T highlights that would is never used with non-action verbs. -T displays (slide7) containing a sentence taken from the first slide. -T asks the Ss to read it. t ask the Ss to use 'no longer'. Then T asks then to use 'not anymore'

Semi-Controlled Practice (4-5 minutes) • For the students to practice using 'used to' and 'would' variably in the context of past habits.

-T displays (slide 8) showing a picture of someone in the past and in the present. Ss need to practice producing sentences using the target language correctly. -T asks Ss to discuss as much as possible with their partners in the breakout rooms using the target language. -T monitors subtly as Ss discuss. T does not interrupt unless Ss need guidance.

Feedback (3-5 minutes) • For the students to discuss what they thought and get corrected by the teacher.

-T listens to the Ss's feedback after they get back from breakout rooms. T uses the fingers correction method in case s/he needed to.

Free Practice / Semi controlled practice (5-7 minutes) • For the students to have more practice on the target language (used to / would / not anymore / no longer)

-T displays the online game of 'bamboozle'. -T explains the rules of the game. T splits the class into two teams. -T starts revealing the questions and Ss answer.

Flexi-stage ( Extra past-present picture) (3-5 minutes) • For the students to have more practice incase there is more time to spend.

-T displays (slide 11) containing a (past-present) picture. - T asks the Ss to take a look at it. Then T asks the students to discuss in pairs/groups. - T monitors Ss while they discuss in breakout rooms. -T gets feedback from Ss when they are back.

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