Nikki Nikki

TP4LP_Nikki Sterios
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson students learn to express agreement/similarity with an interlocutor's affirmative or negative statement using the structure So/Neither + auxiliary + I. The structure is introduced in the context of a story of identical twins separated at birth and reunited after 40 years. The structure will be clarified through guided discovery tasks. Students will practice for accuracy using cloze exercises and ______ and given the opportunity to develop fluency with the structure during freer practice.


Abc audio text
Abc Google Forms
Abc Google Slides
Abc Jamboard
Abc Zoom board

Main Aims

  • To provide Ss clarification and practice expressing agreement/similarity using the structure So/Neither + auxiliary + I.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist listening practice using a text about identical twins separated at birth and reunited after 40 years.
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a expressing agreement/similarity with classmates likes and dislikes using the target language


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and activate students' top-down processing

Welcome Ss Share Google Slide of picture of two Jims. T-confirm Ss know coincidence T"Look at the photos and describe the two men" T Model"I see their eyes look similar." Ss to BORs for 2 mins discussion. Ss report back to WG T elicits look similar and "twins" if Ss have not provided that information

Presentation of the target language through the listening text (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through an audio text about twins separated at birth and reunited after 40 years.

T "We will listen to a recording of the two Jims meeting. Remember three things they have in common. They have a lot of things in common, but only write three on the Google Form." * Show GF, ICQ "have in common" and send link to Ss. (3mins) * Ss BORs or private chat compare and discuss answers (2) * OCFB Ss all compare answers (3). If errors ask Ss to correct and justify.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T share Google slide with target language for guided discovery Ss work in pairs. T monitors and helps as needed (3 min) OCFB, T elicits Ss answers and explanation of answers. T (Meaning) CCQs on Google Slide to check understanding of meaning of TL (Pairs or WG?) T (Form) Google Slide with target language responses in bold and elicits from Ss * *form( So/Neither+aux+I) . Ss to offer corrections, with reasons, if needed. *tense agreement * always a response (of agreement/similarity) T- (Pronunciation) models and drills examples of target language chorally and individually, including alternate pronunciation of "Neither". T- elicits from Ss stress, linkages and drills Ss again.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To allow students and teacher to check/confirm target Language is understood. To provide students with initial confidence using the target language.

T shares link to Google Form for controlled practice of target language. Ss individually correct jumbled sentences with errors. Ss to BORs to check answers with partner T elicits answers, if errors asks other Ss to correct/clarify, justifying answers before providing correct answer.

Free Practice and Feedback (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice to develop fluency with the target language and provide students with feedback on their language use..

T shares Jamboard What do you have in common? Asks Ss to discuss four things they have in common (either like or don't like, or do or don't do) with their partners in BORs. Practice using the target language to report to class. OCFB Ss report commonalities using target language. T monitors for good language usage and common errors while observing BOR and OCFB and writes on Zoomboard. Elicits corrections from Ss, supplies clarification if needed.

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