TP 4 Grammar
Pre-Intermediate level
Main Aims
To provide clarification, practice and review of ´used to´and ´didn´t use to´ in the context of every day conversation
Subsidiary Aims
To provide fluency speaking practice in a day to day conversation in the context of ´used to´and didn´t use to´
Procedure (33-45 minutes)
- T will let Ss know the lesson will be a grammar lesson. - T will share on Zoom (sharing the T screen) a Google Slides presentation that will have the questions "Did you like to go to school?" & "What is your favorite school memory?" with pictures for visual effect. - T will demo what answers are expected - T will nominate Ss to answer. - T will ask Ss follow up questions to build rapport.
- T will share screen to a Google Forms page with a conversation between an Interviewer and Ex-alumni from different schools. -T will share a link to a Google Form page, through Zoom´s chatbox, and have the Ss read the conversation and answer the questions that are on the form. - T will have Ss discuss their answers on Zoom´s breakout rooms. - T will nominate Ss to answer and justify their answers.
- T will share screen to a Google Slides presentation and with the grammar that we will be covering on this lesson, ´Used to´and ´Didn´t use to´. - T will nominate students to ´answer´ this stage, as follows: - T will ask Ss what they think ´used to´means. T will nominate Ss that are too shy if no one is answering. T will write Ss answers on Slide. - T will ask if anyone can give a sentence using ´used to´, T will write down answers on Slide. Ex. I used to play football. - T will cover form by asking Ss how the sentence that they gave is structured. Ex. Subject + used to + verb (base form). - T will cover meaning by writing IPA on the Slide and drilling Ss. - T will use same procedure for ´didn´t use to´: - T will ask Ss what they think ´didn´t used to´means. T will nominate Ss that are too shy if no one is answering. T will write Ss answers on Slide. - T will ask if anyone can give a sentence using ´used to´, T will write down answers on Slide. Ex. He didn’t use to smoke. - T will cover form by asking Ss how the sentence that they gave is structured. Ex. Subject +didn´t used to + verb (base form). - T will cover meaning by using IPA and drilling Ss.
- T will share link to a Google Forms document, via Zoom´s chatbox. - Ss will see sentences with a blank and below will be ´used to´ and ´didn´t use to´ S will have to choose the one corresponding to each sentence. - Ss will first work indivudually to solve the activity. - T will then have Ss work in pairs, through Zoom´s breakout rooms and share answers. - Ss will share answers, thus solve the activity as a group.
- T will share screen to a questionnaire. - T will instruct Ss that they will be answering the questions. - T will demo what answers to expect from the Ss. - Ss will work in pairs, using Zoom breakout rooms, and discuss the questions. - T will ask and nominate Ss to answer a couple of the questions. - T will monitor, looking throughout this stage and look for errors to be correctly adressed in the next stage.
- T will share screen via Zoom - Ss will be able to see some sentences T observed from the previous stage. - T will ask Ss what they think the mistakes are and provide the apporpiate correction to the mistakes. - Ss and T will solve as a group.