Ana Santiago Ana Santiago

Weekend Activities Lesson
Elementary level


In this lesson, students learn about Simple Past tense based on weekend activities. The lesson starts with a group discussion about "what do they like to do?". This is followed by an activity to identify word phrases. Then students have to identify the differences between Present Simple and Past Simple. Finally, there is some Speaking practice.


Abc Face to Face Book

Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice of speaking for fluency in the context of weekend activities.

Subsidiary Aims

  • They will have also practised their speaking for fluency in a discussion on the topic of weekend activities.


Lead-in (3-3 minutes) • To engage learners and activate their previous knowledge of topic area “weekend activities” (Simple Past)

• Teacher welcomes learners. • Teacher ask students “What do you like to do on the weekend?” • Teacher write an example. Instructions: In one minute, ask your partner, what do you like to do on the weekend? • Teacher conducts OFCB.

Preparation (10-10 minutes) • To provide an initial familiarity with vocabulary.

Instructions: Look at the phrases, then fill in the gaps in pairs with the words/phrase (Activity 2). • Teacher shows the task. • Teacher explain an example. • Teacher give the link to the activity and create a breakout room. • Students check answer in pairs (breakout rooms) • Teacher conducts OFCB.

Clarification (10-10 minutes) • To cover MPF of key vocabulary to aid completion of the tasks.

With your partner or group, write the verbs in past simple tense. (Activity 3) • Teacher shows the task. • Teacher explain an example. • Teacher give the link to the activity and create a breakout room. • Students check answer in pairs (breakout rooms) • Teacher conducts OFCB.

Speaking Task (18-18 minutes) • To provide learners the opportunity to practice

Instructions: Work in pairs and ask, “What did you do last weekend?” • Teacher explain what students have to do. • Students work in pairs/group via breakout rooms. • T conducts OCFB Instruction 2: With your teams try to think of as many other word/phrases and write sentences. (With the verbs in Activity 2). Discuss with him/her.

Feedback and Error Correction (5-5 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

- T writes on the screen samples of learners’ production and identify the correct and incorrect sentences and correct the latter ones. - Student uses ZOOM’s tool (stamp) to verify if its correct.

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