james james

Used to / Get used to
Upper Intermediate level


Students will learn to use Used to and Get Used to, in the context of travelling to another country.


Abc Reading

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of Used to and Get Used to in the context of travelling and exotic countries

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice using a text about customs and traditions in the context of Mongolian life
  • To provide accuracy and fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of travelling and exotic countries


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Students discuss two questions about living in other countries, presented on Google Slides. Namely: Are there any exotic countries you would like to visit? What interesting traditions do other countries have? Lead-in is presented, students work in pairs, then OCFB

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Students read text and answer a set of questions using google forms. Namely: 1. How does the author feel about sleeping in tents? 2. What is one thing the author will never enjoy? 3. Does the author enjoy Airag? Answer Key: 1. a 2. b 3. a *Answer key is also listed as Materials. Procedure: Task is presented, Individual Work, PW, OCFB

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Highlighting is done as TL is highlighted in text. Also, answers from previous section draw attention to TL and thus will make sense as highlighted during clarification.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Clarification of MFPA using google slides and guided discovery activities. The Meaning clarification will be carried out using a timeline included in the google slides. We will also use various examples of TL from text including CCQs. Namely: Im used to staying in these wonderful tents now. Did he like the tents at first? No Does it feel strange to her now? No I still havent gotten used to Airag... Its an acquired taste. Does he like Airag? If he tries it more times, is it possible he will like it? It took me a while to get used to eating so much meat? Did he eat a lot of meat more than once? Yes Did he usually eat so much meat before? No Was there a process of him trying before it was ok for him? Yes Does he dislike it now? No Does this mean he loves eating meat? No, not necessarily I certainly wasn’t used to the amount of fat my Mongolian friends ate with such pleasure Do we know if he likes it now? Did he think eating fat was strange? Yes Could he like it in the future? (use grammar to answer) Yes, he could get used to it In order to clarify form students will match different examples of TL being used to their verb tense, to illustrate that they can be used in various tenses. Teacher will also guide through some examples where students must choose which uses of the TL is incorrect. Namely: Which one of these options is incorrect? Get Used to + Noun (skimmed milk) Verb (eat) Pronoun (him) Verb in infinitive (eating) Which of these options are correct? I am getting used to drinking skimmed milk I am gotten used to drinking skimmed milk I am get used to drinking skimmed milk I am used to drinking skimmed milk The interaction for all of this stage is T-S, in other words, teacher explaining and interacting with whole class. Personalization will be provided when pertinent prompting students to answer questions such as can you tell me something you are used to? or can you tell me something you might have trouble getting used to?

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Students fill in gaps using TL on a google form provided. Namely: 1. The author is _____________ drinking Airag. 2. I didn't like sleeping in tents before but I _____________ it very quickly. 3. Mongolians are ______________ sleeping in very cold weather 4. The author will maybe ______________ the cold temperatures some day 5. The author was ________________ eating meat with vegetables 6. The author has ________________ a lot of things about Mongolian life Teacher clarifies answers may be in different tenses and that there is more than one grammatically correct answer, but ony one perfect answer. ICQs: -could there be more than one "grammatically" correct answer? Yes -Is it all in the same tense? No -Is there only one "real" answer according to the reading? Yes, only one answer is 100% correct according to reading. In order to facilitate pair work to check answers. The questions will be projected on slides converted to multiple choice answers, so students my exchange answers efficiently in chat. There is more than one correct answer (at least grammatically correct). Thus, when checking answers in OCFB teacher will mark and briefly elaborate if necessary on when there is more than one correct answer. Although there is only one truly correct answer in relation to the reading, other grammatically correct answers will be observed and marked in a different color. Answer Key: 1. A or B 2. B 3. C 4. A or B 5. B or C 6. B *Answer key is also provided as materials for class. Teacher presents task, students work individually, then PW and OCFB

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Students practice TL in the context of travelling, with a set of questions conducive to said goal. Namely: If you lived in another country: What things that you’re used to doing would you have to stop? What things could you never get used to doing in another country? What things could you get used to easily in other countries? Examples are also provided as prompts on slide. Namely: Examples: If I lived in Holland, I could easily get used to riding a bike. I couldn’t get used to not seeing the sun in a country like Island. I am used to eating gallo pinto, but I couldn’t do that in another country. Teacher will listen to be able to note mistakes and provide Delayed Error Correction. Procedure: Teacher presents activity, PW, Content Feedback, OCFB

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