C1 level
Main Aims
To provide exam strategies for Reading Part 8 and practise doing the task
To let students get to know each other better and to establish a good rapport in the first lesson
Subsidiary Aims
To provide students with some speaking practice on the topic of prestigious jobs/professions
To focus on some new vocabulary in the text and help students notice it
To provide review and clarification of language of speculation
Procedure (86-108 minutes)
1) Establish rules. – Three working modes. Wave your hand. Breakout rooms. Notification to enter. Timer. "We're gonna have three working modes. The first one is the WHOLE CLASS type. + Wave your hand when you’re gonna speak, but don’t wait for me to nominate you." "Has anyone of you worked in breakout rooms in Zoom? We’re gonna work either in GROUPS OF THREE or IN PAIRS. When we need to work in breakout rooms, I’ll gonna press a magic button and create them, and you’ll see an invitation to join your breakout room on your screen. You click on that and you’re redirected there. You start your activity. I can switch from one room to another to listen to you. If I do that, ignore me, don’t pay much attention and continue your discussion. I’m there only to listen. Of course, if you have a question, you can use this opportunity to ask it. When I want to end the activity, I press another magic button and you see on the screen that you’re invited to the main session. In this situation you have two options: you either follow the link or you have 60 seconds to finish what you’re doing and then you’re redirected automatically. No one will be lost in space :)" 2) Names (тёзки)
1) set the task "Now it's the time for the second team-building. 1. 3 things in common: find them among a group of 3. 3 things DON'T count: that you 1. teach English 2. Live in Russia 3. are women. You have 3 minutes to find out what your 3 things in common are (in fact, you'll give them around 5 mins, but it's good to set the time limits at the start). Let them discuss a bit more if they need. Fast finishers - find 2-3 more things in common! WC feedback: nominate some other people to sum up their 3 things in common.
1) Say why and ask if they've prepared anything "Now, we’re gonna start with the first activity on our team building. In the vk group you were asked to prepare three statements about yourself, one of which is not true. This is called “Lie Detector”. Have you prepared anything? That’s very good!" 2) Model the answer (give 3 statements, let them speculate) + TIME FOR THEM TO COMPENSATE. "I've prepared my own three statements, so let's start with me. If you haven't prepared your statements, it is a golden opportunity to do it now." 3) It's gonna be hard because you don’t know each other but it’s "speculation". "Now, I’m gonna assign you in three breakout rooms. The person who starts presents their three statements. They read them out and the others try to guess. Of course, it’s not easy because you don’t know each other. But that’s the fun part – to speculate. You may say: “Well, based on what you’ve written in our group, I remember that you said that blah-blah-blah, and this is why I think that might be true”. When people in your group decide which one is not true, then the person who read out the statements reveals the right answer and briefly comments on what they said, giving your colleagues just a bit more information about that. You can ask each other some questions if you want. And then you move on to the next person." 4) Breakout rooms (8 - 4/2; 9 - 3/3; 7 - 3/4) + monitor and write down the language of speculation and fuel up the discussion. 5) Whole Class Feedback (nominate to share - 3 people)
1) In your last activity you used phrases like (exemplify)... It's called language of speculation. Let's take a look at it in more detail. 2) Elicitation & Whiteboard or chatbox !!! WRITE DOWN IN YOUR NOTEBOOK Three ways of speculation: 1. Modals of deduction. 100% - must be 50% - might/may could be 0% - can't be (draw a couple of examples relevant to your context) 2. Sentence frames: It looks like/as if... It seems that... It is possible/highly likely that... More elegant ways, e.g. Judging by her/his facial expression I may suggest/assume that... There is a plenty of speculative sentence frames, notice them, write them down and make your own collection. 3. Separate words: probably, possibly, maybe, etc. etc. Obviously - be careful with this word, might seem a bit rude. (You can watch how I introduce the language of speculation here: ) We need the language of speculation (and the variety of it!) in the exam. So this is going to be a recurrent theme on the course. When you listen to, for example, model answers for the speaking part in your coursebook, this is the sort of language they really emphasise. Examiners LOVE when you use the language of speculation. Using the language of speculation is a very easy way of showing the range of your vocabulary. What I recommend is to dedicate a separate page in your notebook and throughout the course write down the new frames and expand your repertoire of such phrases. "
YOU WON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS. I RECOMMEND TO SKIP IT, OTHERWISE YOU'LL NEVER GET TO THE TEXT. 1) Brainstorm vocab (ask to raise hand, use photos and write vocab on them) 2) Send a presentation with the photo and the checklist ( USE a) lang of spec, b) vocab) 3) Set the task "Choose one picture, describe it to your partner, focus on L of spec and vocabulary brainstormed) 4) Breakout Rooms
Difference between "Language of Speculation" and "Language for Giving Opinions". When you give opinion you mostly front personal pronoun "I" - "I guess, I suppose". When you use language of speculation you have to put a noun at the beginning - "The man must be____, It looks like people are enjoying themselves etc." There is a fine line between them for sure. You can use language for giving opinions to speculate. But fronting nouns from time to time is a good thing to do. It's just my insight. You can share yours
YOU MAY SKIP IT AS WELL ;(( 1) Discussion page 7 ex 2a "Choose 5 most important FACTORS IN BECOMING successful" - Breakout rooms (pairs) - WCF (focus on meaning "ruthlessness", "innate") 2) Discussion page 8 ex 1ab - Breakout rooms (pairs) - WCF
What is 'prestigious' to you? What does it mean to you? Before you read, take a look at the title, introduction and the headings. Which jobs do you think are the most and the least prestigious? (better WC, otherwise it can take too much time)
1) Elicitation What do you usually do first: read the text or the questions? Why? (may skip if lack of time) 2) Have you heard of priming (in psychology)? Freudian slip is an example of priming. So priming is sth we want to avoid in reading. That's why you shouldn't read the questions before reading the text. Because you'll be primed by the questions and won't focus on the text itself, on its gist.
1) read the FIRST text in one minutes and highlight 1-2 interesting ideas. (Set the timer for 1 minute straight!) --> WCF (nominate 1 person). Are there any other ideas/highlights? Don't judge but share your ideas with them at the end of the discussion. If they start to pick interesting vocab (the always do :), tell them that you're gonna tackle the vocab at the end. X repeat this step for all 4 text WC. With the 4th attempt they usually start to understand what sort of ideas they need to highlight.
Now let's focus on the exam task. Take a look at the first question on p. 8. You see the highlights in the first text (elicit why text A is the correct one, let them demonstrate the paraphrasing/parallel phrases and structures). Remember that you ALWAYS need to find an EXACT phrase in the source text that is parallel to the question in the task. If you haven't found the exact phrase - search elsewhere. Now you're going to work in pairs and complete the task with the other 9 questions. Give yourself some thinking time, then discuss the answer. Then move to the next one. CCQ Should you discuss each question in turn or all question together at the end? Monitor, hint, let them explain their choice and find their own mistakes. WC feedback: if everybody has the same answer - move on. If the answers are different, pick someone with the right answer and let them expain their choice.
1) Screen share: highlight the words and ask to devise the meaning from the context (check in Quizlet) (OPTIONAL) 2) Lexical Questions to go deeper into the meaning. You almost surely won't have time for that :((