Brenda Brenda

TP5 (Speaking)
Elementary level


In this lesson, Ss are introduced to verbs which help them speak and practice fluency in the context of likes and dislikes. The lesson starts with an introduction to some lexis (nouns). This is followed by a guided discovery task with the verbs that express like and dislikes. Finally there is some freer practice speaking activity.


Abc Zoom, Google Jamboard, Google Slides.

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a simple interaction questions conversation in the context of likes and dislikes

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of nouns in the context of likes and dislikes.
  • To provide clarification of verbs (love, like, don't like, hate) in the context of likes and dislikes


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- T will share screen with a Google Jamboard with different nouns. - Ss. will choose the pictures that show something nice for them. T monitors.(Breakout rooms - PW 3 min) -T. comments or asks a question on what was listened while monitoring. (1 min)

Useful Language (12-14 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

- T. will share link, on zoom's chat, to a Google Slides' presentation where Ss. will work in breakout rooms to infer the meaning of the TL. (pair work - 3 min) - OCFB using CCQs to verify M and understanding (2 min) - Ss will continue working with th Google Slides' presentation in breakout rooms to infer the form of the TL. (pair work - 3 min) - OCFB using CCQs to verify F and understanding. T will elicit examples from Ss (4 min) - T will use drilling to work with P

Productive Task(s) (16-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

-T will show a Google Jamboard which contains Interaction questions. Ss will speak in breakout rooms. T monitors. (Threesomes - 4 min) -Ss will change breakout rooms and speak with other classmates (Threesomes - 4 min) -Ss will change breakout rooms and speak with other classmates (Threesomes - 4 min) - T will nominate some Ss to report back what they spoke with their classmates. Elicit answers like "She likes..., He doesn't like..." (4 min)

Feedback and Error Correction (6-8 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

- T will give feedback on what was listened during monitoring and provide DEC eliciting answers from Ss . Use zoom board or a Google Jamboard.

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